Countdown to April 29 to PERMANENTLY close M. R. Reiter. Ask the board to see the 6 point plan.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

In Memoriam: Ed Frankenfield

I received this email a short time ago with some very sad news.

Ed died this morning. I don't know much more than that it was a relief to his family as he was in a lot of pain. Pat spoke with Dr. Yonson this morning and sent her thanks to everyone who shared their support. I'll think of a proper eulogy when I can think again.

The floor is open for any comments. We've lost a real leader.


From the district website:
It is with a very heavy heart that we must inform you that Mr. Edward Frankenfield, member of the Morrisville School Board passed away this morning (5/28/08). Ed was a great friend of education and to our school district in particular. He served our district well in the four years on the school board, from raising money for band uniforms to reading to our children at Reiter Elementary to making sure the children and staff had the resources they needed. Ed was always there. The District's condolences are extended to Ed's family.


Ken said...


I am really stunned.

Ed suprized me when I first met him. I had originally thought he was just another angry Morrisvillian. But then I came to realize he had a passion for Morrisville, and in particular for the children in the Morrisville schools, which drove his convictions. In the end I came to respect him very deeply.

I am proud to have known him, and remorseful that we have lost him. I also grieve for his wife, Pat, who loved him dearly.

Anonymous said...

There is Public Notice in today's BCCT for the vacant spot on the Morrisville School Board. Deadline for applications is June 13th.

Ken said...

It's been over a week and although I saw the obit, I have heard nothing about a memorial service for Ed. Any news?