Here it is, Sunday morning and the kids have the funny pages open from the Sunday paper. Oddly enough, the parents have the funny pages open too, but while the kids are looking at the comics, the parents are anxiously reading about our little town's Farm Control Board, looking for the new scheduling of the cattle runs to Bristol and Pennsbury, and maybe even a few to Conwell Egan.
Were you able to
contact your board members? Several of you did and were kind enough to include me on the letters, and I thank you for that. Most of you asked that your letters not be reprinted here and I am honoring that request. However, I thought that I was hot under the collar. Perhaps we should talk to George Mount about adding blood pressure medication directly to the town water supply to save time.
According to the BCCT this morning,
closing a school is a slow process, and it
takes at least three months.
All this board wants is fast,
fast, relief. WARNING: Everything is moving fast. Defease the debt FAST! Cut the budget FAST! I know some people so we can fix the school FAST! These are the same people who wanted s...l...o...w... action from the past board, aren't they? Then what is the "other reason" for going fast? This new board has two years at least to complete the job. Who else benefits from fast action?
They also attacked the past president for her "connections" with contractors. Who is questioning the connections that William Hellmann CPA has with the professional defeasement artist who also said come back and see me when you need more money. Other members are using connections to bring their friends directly into the process because they can "work with these people", not like the others before them who were greedy and only wanted a new school. "Work with you", huh? Sounds like a classic sweetheart pay-for-play or inexpensive-work-now-for-guaranteed-work-later type of scam is being run. Even the door locks at Grandview had to be fixed by a William Hellmann CPA crony ("Did you call the guy I told you to call?" was his message to the business administrator).
What's the school board equivalent of a special prosecutor?
And are we following the Sandy Gibson Rule? Substitute Sandy as the protagonist and then read how it sounds. For example, in the above paragraph...
Who is questioning the connections that [Sandy Gibson] has with the professional defeasement artist who also said come back and see me when you need more money. [Sandy Gibson is] using connections to bring [her] friends directly into the process because they can "work with these people", not like the others before them who were greedy and only wanted a new school. "Work with you", huh? Sounds like a classic sweetheart pay-for-play or inexpensive-work-now-for-guaranteed-work-later type of scam is being run. Even the door locks at Grandview had to be fixed by a [Sandy Gibson] crony ("Did you call the guy I told you to call?" was [her] message to the business administrator).See how easy that was? If you were incensed by reading that last paragraph and went outside to stoke the vat of boiling tar to corner Sandy, why aren't you doing it to William Hellmann CPA? Because you're a
hypocrite, that's why.
One item to close with:
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.
Margaret Mead, US anthropologist (1901 - 1978)