Countdown to April 29 to PERMANENTLY close M. R. Reiter. Ask the board to see the 6 point plan.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Anger Management Control Classes ARE Available

It's really interesting to see how the internet has changes the world. In the old days, you had to trudge down to the office to obtain a copy of the minutes opf previous meetings. Now...all you do is press a button and they appear.

Apparently Mr. Radosti has anger problems and the Morrisville Police refused to act, citing Mr. Radosti's involvement with the department. Aren't you NSNs proud of this?

Check out the minutes from the October 24 2007 meeting.

Dr. Gibson wanted to take this opportunity to respond to Mrs. Worob’s statement made last month. She
stated this was a very angry letter and she was not going to take on this anger. I don’t want to have anger at
you in my heart. I’m not going to take on your 7-page character attack. I pray that you find some goodness
in your heart so that you don’t do this to other people.
Mrs. Worob responded it was just business, Sandy. Not having a meeting was kind of serious to me.
Dr. Gibson I understand that and I am sharing my response with you.
Dr. Gibson advised that the Board met in executive session on October 3, 10, and 17 in regard to the
Superintendent’s contract. On Oct. 3 my children were in attendance. Everyone was kind, said how nice it
was to see them and welcomed them into the room. During the meeting Mrs. Heater and Mr. Radosti
became enraged talking about the school issue, which is not an executive session item and should have not
been discussed. They stood up, started screaming and personally attacking my character in front of my
Mrs. Heater stated that’s not true. What happened was that Dr. Gibson jumped out of her seat and ran
toward Mr. Radosti with her hand exposed like a child.
Dr. Gibson advised she is filing charges against Mrs. Heater and Mr. Radosti for their behavior. She
verbalized examples of how terrified her children are since this incident.
Mrs. Heater stated that Dr. Gibson is not credible.
Dr. Gibson we will see what the police have to say about it. Chief Jones has decided it will be
investigated by the county detectives because of Mr. Radosti’s relationship with the local police. When the
officers arrived he told them nothing is going on; don’t worry about it. When Mrs. Manning tried to give
them her statement they told her they didn’t need it because they had Al’s and that’s all they needed. I can
not even express the trauma that was caused to my children. They are afraid that you are going to come to
our house and kill them. That is the rage that these individuals displayed in this meeting. We had to call
911 in order for us to safely leave the building. Mr. Radosti has in the past informed me that he keeps a gun
in his car. He has repeatedly told me that if I do not stop with the new school people are going to start to
attack me physically. Mrs. Heater has told me that people might kidnap my children. Mrs. Heater denied
this statement. My family has felt incredibly threatened by these behaviors. Mr. Radosti offered to fight
Mr. Kemp in the parking lot afterwards. Mrs. Heater stated that is so false. Unfortunately, this Board has
become accustomed to these types of behaviors. Mr. Radosti repeatedly has screamed in our executive
sessions. Mrs. Heater stated you shouldn’t have been screaming at us; we just defended ourselves.
She said she was repulsed at me. She attacked me first. Dr. Gibson I was repulsed by what you were doing
to my children. We live in a civilized society and I certainly hope as Board members we can behave civillaly with each other in the future.
Mr. Radosti stated what she says is not true – period.
Mr. Kemp stated what she says is true.
Mrs. Worob I was there as well and I will talk to the investigator

Let's be honest. The NSNs are going to see Heater, Worob, and Radosti as the victims, and the PSPs are going to see Gibson, Kemp, and Manning as the victims. Perception colors what we see today, but time will tell who are the real victims here. It's going to be the taxpayers of Morrisville Borough.

Don't you feel safer though knowing that a man with anger problems travels around with a gun in his car and at his advanced age is still challenging other kids to fight in the schoolyard at recess?

This blog is going away...NOT

Several people have emailed me to ask if this blog is disappearing now that the school has been given a big fat "F" by the borough council and the incoming school board.

Not on your life!

There are too many characters involved here to ignore them and their shenanigans. It would be like passing up free money.