Countdown to April 29 to PERMANENTLY close M. R. Reiter. Ask the board to see the 6 point plan.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Steve, pick up the needle, man

A follow up to this post.

Folks, this is what passes for a "high public official" in Morrisville.

Comments To This Article:

* kim - Pennsbury needs to re-register also!!!
(08/15/2008 )
I don't think the kids from Trenton are being dropped off to attend Morrisville, I see kids waiting at bus stops for Pennsbury buses in cars with NJ plates.

* Steve - FrATTY More twists and more misinformation!!
(08/16/2008 )
Here Kate goes again!! Just like the misspelling in the title above twisting the truth to hurt her political opposites whom volunteer their time and save the taxpayers money. Small example, why does she exclusively state that the re-registration is to purge the children from Trenton? Because she hopes to plant the seeds of perceived prejudice against the new school board. The misinformation in Fratti's article is more voluminous than what I have time to refute however Kate, given the dubious history of mis-managment and corruption in the school district, why should we trust school employees with sensitive information more than long term highly respected residents? Maybe you'd feel better if we brought back Frank or the good doctor to oversee things!! This type of re-registration has worked well in the past but Kate fails to mention that. She is a fine example of why her rag newspaper is going down the drain. Feel that pink slip getting closer Kate??????????

* Ann - In Steve We Trust...
(08/16/2008 )
Small example, why does she exclusively state that the re-registration is to purge the children from Trenton?

It's probably from stuff like this, which is a quote from a commenter at the March 26, 2008 Morrisville school board meeting:

I feel that board should consider a registration process for all students entering school in September of ’08. Parents of students should have to submit tax bills for proof of residency and renters would have to submit copies of the lease along with any necessary legal documentation in the event that the students is under their guardianship, but in actually is not their child/children. Perhaps this process should be carried out each year to eliminate students that should no be enrolled in MHS. This could definitely be a savings. I personally have heard the parents who stated that their children are enrolled in the Morrisville School System. “Quote…”the one mother said, just take them across the bridge it is easy to do”. She did it. She was telling the other Mothers “I know you don’t want your kids in Trenton High…why put up with that when you can put them in Morrisville.

* kate - what worries me . . .
(08/16/2008 )
I don't feel the pink slip, Steve, but when I read this kind of careless, angry rant from an elected official I do feel my lunch come up ... especially since this terrific little town is so in need of reputable, thoughtful, ethical leadership to move it forward.

* kate - Doh!
(08/16/2008 )
Given the fat jokes I've endured from this particular official, I realize I just opened myself up to further critique of my diet what with a reference to lunch and all ...

* Ann - Bonehead Appetit
(08/16/2008 )
April 20, 1997 New York Times:

''When school lets out and you see a lot of cars with out-of-state license plates picking children up, that's a problem,'' said Stephen Worob, treasurer of the Morrisville board and a leading supporter of the new policy. ''Another board member and I followed some over the border, on a kind of fact-finding mission. We're convinced that there are a substantial number of out-of-district kids in our schools illegally.''

* Steve - Golly Ann !!!
(08/17/2008 )
You're almost as good a truth twister as Kate. How do you equate that a 1997 quote about "out of state license plates," means that a re-registration is to purge Trenton kids. Dah!!! Won't it purge all illegal students equally? How dare you use an anecdotal comment from an unnamed source to support the racial undertones of Kate's hateful article. She is so blinded by her hate for the new school board that she can't help herself. Maybe it is time for Dale or Pat to talk to her. I personally do not subscribe to the Courier Times anymore. Kate is a part of the reason. By the way Kate, do you even live in Morrisville?

* Ann - Gee Whiz
(08/17/2008 )
I wasn't trying to equate anything, other than the mental image of you and some other board member following cars with out-of-state license plates over the border 11 years ago on a fact-finding mission. How far did you follow them, by the way? And who was that other board member?

* kate - Oh, now I see ...
(08/17/2008 )
Steve, are we to believe that you followed students to the Princenton border? I haven't heard a soul argue that re-registration aimed at insuring all enrolled students actually reside in the boro is a bad idea. It's necessary, I suppose. Morrisville can not pick up the tab for Trenton's failures. That said, using volunteers to conduct re-registration is unnecessary and an afront to parents worried about exposing their private information to strangers instead of paid, trained staff. As for the veiled threat that somehow my superiors would be chagrinned by my comments, it isn't so. I'm charged with commenting on the goings on around me as they might interest readers. My reader response indicates I've struck a nerve in Morrisville. The goings on here, bear watching to inform the average citizen. I do not live in Morrisville, Mr. Worob. You needn't to live there to observe the challenges it faces.

* kate - Not enough information for hate
(08/17/2008 )
Mr. Worob, I can honestly say I don't know any of the Morrisville School Board members except for the most casual acquaintance in the last 6 months. The only thing I "hate" is disregard for taxpaying residents. Some of them are parents who depend on these schools for the education of their children. It is an education that generations of Morrisville residents before them took for granted. I do not live in Morrisville. You don't have to live there to see some elected officials are acting badly.

* kate - sorry
(08/17/2008 )
Forgive me, in my impatience to be approved by the "blog master" (who is he anyway?) I posted twice.

* steve - Ok Kate, but are you fair.
(08/19/2008 )
Believe it or not, I have a certain amount of respect for a tenacious person who stands up and fights. Even if they are short sighted and biased. I realize Kate that you are not a typical reporter with an obligation to convey both sides. You are a feel good story teller or a rip their throat out reporter who thrives on emotions rather than unbiased, fair reporting. That being said, before a little weasel can fill up your ears, you should at least afford a little courtesy to the other side. On one hand you state you "do not mean to demean volunteers," "they may be very nice people." Then, on the other hand you allude they may be "thieves and gossips." You really don't know these people and never bothered to speak to them but I'll tell you this, at least one of them you hurt very badly. Why? because you are closed minded and set in your ways but I now offer you a chance to change this. Let's face it, you consider yourself a voice and champion of the good people who need your help. Am I right? OK. I think I'm a good person(believe it or not) and I can use your help. Please tell me, what do you think about a Bucks County judge who presides over an unfair trial and then tells the person who was fighting for the people that,"if you appeal my decision, I will do everything in my power to stop you." Yes it's true Kate, there is a judge with high aspirations who believes he has more power than we have rights. Then some poor court reporter felt obligated to omit his threat from the transcript and lie about it. I kid you not, there are many witnesses to this. If you are a fair person for the people then call me for the story or your life.

* steve - Typo!!!
(08/19/2008 )
Sorry Kate it's late. That was supposed to end,"the story OF your life. My bad.

* - Score
(08/19/2008 )

* Ann - Victim or Aggressor?
(08/19/2008 )
Among the problems I have with what you’re saying, Steve, is that the trial of which you speak was not “the people vs. former Morrisville School District Superintendent Dr. John Gould”, it was “Dr. John Gould vs. Steve Worob, the guy who brazenly and recklessly shot his mouth off so much about Dr. Gould’s alleged corruption, which he was unable to prove, that Dr. Gould got tired of it and sued him for ‘slander per se’ for damaging his reputation and hurting his prospects for future employment”. And Dr. Gould won, to the tune of over $100,000.

You see, you may have a point, even a good point, but you can’t maliciously tear someone down just because you think you’re right. Even if there was something there, you couldn’t back it up. I’m not defending corruption or Dr. Gould (who seems to have done an adequate job of defending himself). But I am defending the principle of innocent until proven guilty, a presumption I’m sure you would want if you were facing charges.

His words may have been harsh, but I think the Judge was trying to do you a favor. I think he was trying to say “Let it go. End this destructive vendetta, for everyone’s sake, including yours.” Kind of like on June 9, 1954, when Joseph Welch said to Senator Joseph R. McCarthy (R – Wisconsin), “Let us not assassinate this lad further, Senator. You have done enough. Have you no sense of decency sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?”. Does that mean there were absolutely zero commies in the entire U.S. Government? No. But do the ends always justify the means? No. The world’s not perfect, but overall I think justice was served in your case.

* steve - Ann
(08/19/2008 )
Ann, I really didn't like you before but now I'm beginning to feel sorry for you. You're pathetic and you don't even realize it.

* steve - How about it Kate.
(08/19/2008 )
A great story about an unscrupulous judge who is a member of the good old Republicans club that controls the courthouse and politics in Bucks County. I'm a life long Republican but when something stinks in my party I am not afraid to expose it. You see, the debacle that unfolded in Morrisville was just the tip of the iceberg of pervasive corruption that is rooted in large bond issues to school districts from major federal lending institutions. All of this buried by a Republican controlled justice system. Get in the way and the boys in black robes will crush you. It makes me wonder how many people are unjustly sitting in jail. But Ann would say "justice was served" I guess.

* kate - Did we change the subject ?
(08/20/2008 )
Steve, pick up the needle, man. You've been playing the same old song for so long. Publish the book you promise. Who could tell your version of the story better than you?

As for the volunteers, they may be very nice people, but they've been organized by people who aren't always so nice ... I still wonder if they share the school board majority's view that privacy laws are a nuisance. It's a fair question in the case of a re-registration that requires personanal information be released to them.

* kate - And about that intimidation thing you do ...
(08/20/2008 )
Freud says there are no accidents....the story or my life? sheesh.


Ken said...

"This type of re-registration has worked well in the past"

Has it? How many "illegal" students has it uncovered. I bet not many.

"an unscrupulous judge "

Along with a corrupt DA, a lieing Superintendant, several deceptive reporters, the PDE, many past school board members, an arch bishop, a flock of accountants, the catholic church, the Republican AND Democratic parties, the Auditor General, and most of the people of Morrisville.

Did I leave anyone out?

Sounds like a conspiracy. Never mind picking up the needle, someone needs to be looking over his shoulder.

Anonymous said...

You know....if Steve keeps up the commenting, someone is gonna think he is a bloghead!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry....but I think we are in 2008 right? My kids go to Morrisville school district NOW!
We have issues in the present that need to be resolved.
It seems that Steve was very hurt by what happened to him, why else would he be bringing it up time after time. Perhaps a pity party is in order?

Jon said...

It seems that Steve was very hurt by what happened to him.....

Don't you mean "by what he brought upon himself, but that he attributes to massive conspiracy because he is unwilling or unable to face his own incompetent buffoonery and egomaniacal fantasy in this whole sordid affair?"

I think the town and its reasonable citizens who have had to endure his endless misguided windbaggery are much more deserving of the pity party.

Lord I am so tired, how long can this go on?

Anonymous said...

How boring this blog would be if you didn't have Steve. Do you really believe people want to keep reading "save the school's" postings about school funding formulas? Hell no. Like it or not, they want Jerry Springer. sorry that you're "so tired" Jon, what's the matter, staying up late now playing bloghead because you can't do it at work anymore? And Boreos, yes there was a vast right wing conspiracy, yes by those evil Republicans. Doesn't that excite you? REPUBLICANS!!!! One day you'll understand.

Save The School said...

Steve, life is not a "reality show". We do not need pointless angst, contrived dissention, and backroom shenanigans to spice up everyday life. Jerry Springer and shows of that ilk only show how far we have fallen as a society.

No one said debating funding formula discussions to the hundredth of a percent point was exciting. It's just necessary.

Think of the time, energy, and money that the people of Morrisville have collectively expended to just tolerate you in your bizarre rantings and antics. I can only imagine the progress we could have made and how vibrant and financially secure this little slice of Bucks County could have been.

You're more like one of the city bothers than one of the city fathers. Even you sometimes have good ideas and work well with others. Those times are too far apart and too few in number and stand in token opposition to the massive body of work you've produced as a nuisance and provocateur. I'm embarrassed to have spent as much time as I did to write this reply. You're just not worth it.

Anonymous said...

Oh please!!! Lighten up just a little "save the school." You may have to much starch in your underwear or something. Really!! My bizarre antics and rantings ??? When was this, 1998? And what progress did I impede or stop? Ahhh!! Maybe it was the original 10 million dollar bond as proposed by James Sauers (Of RJ Davey) and his dear friend from PNC bank? Or maybe the Sony playstation project? Future search? The Hubs project? The Einstein Cyber School? A $1000 per month in travel reimbursements? The school store? A corrupt justice system? A corrupt newspaper? A 30 million dollar school the would break the town? Etc, etc etc. I can't begin to remember everything that I ranted about so I learned to try and have a little fun. You should do the same.

Save The School said...

I was having fun. I finally learned that the only way to view you is through the lens of humor. I'm sure you saw the line, "You're more like one of the city bothers than one of the city fathers."

Stop back again soon. We all need another laugh.

Jon said...

I'm not really that tired, Steve. I just thought there was something fitting about the line, which is from the song "Working in a Coal Mine", music and lyrics by Allen Toussaint. A version performed by Lee Dorsey was a hit single in 1966, but I was thinking more about the 1981 Devo version. That's all. No conspiracy, no hidden meanings.

Well I been workin in a coal mine
Goin down down
Workin in a coal mine
Whew, about to slip down
Five o'clock in the mornin
I'm up before the sun
When my work day is over
I'm too tired for havin fun
Lord I am so tired
How long can this go on
I been workin goin workin
Whew, about to slip down

Ken said...

"Lord I am so tired, how long can this go on?"

Lee Dorsey. Good call!

Now I'll be singin' that song in my head all day.

workin'... goin'...workin'... about to slip down...

Ken said...

"And Boreos, yes there was a vast right wing conspiracy, yes by those evil Republicans."

Still waiting for the book.

I'm going to check it out of the Morrisville Free Library (no sense in contributing to the author), unless of course, some "High Public Official" on the Council decides to add another notch to his "impeding progress" belt by closing that down also.

Ken said...

"Ahhh!! Maybe it was ... Etc, etc etc. I can't begin to remember everything that I ranted about..."

Steve, I noticed that "thieving superintendant John Gould" is noticably missing from your list of rants. Have you recanted on that one?

Anonymous said...

Boreos, you'll have to look for the book. Hey, maybe you're even mentioned in there but I don't know for sure because you never use your real name. Why is that? Are you afraid that your past may come out to haunt you?

Jon said...

I'm looking for the book. I've been looking for it for a while now. I haven't seen it. I don't think I ever will.

Dorothy Vislosky (or whoever tickles the keyboard for her) said on her website back in February that she read the manuscript and it's (hats off to Jimmie "J.J." Walker) "dy-no-mite". She lives in Falls - why does she get a copy and we don't? We in Morrisville hunger for enlightenment too, you know!

How much wherewithal does it take to hand a CD to Sir Speedy (or maybe Kinkos for you) and have them reel off a couple hundred copies? I guess that's an insurmountable obstacle. Hell, this year's one-shot school tax cut oughta cover it. Think of it as an investment that will pay handsome dividends.

New twist on irony: "anonymous" criticizing "borows" misspelled as "Boreos" for not using their real name.

I'd be wary about using my real name too. You can get slandered per se around here if you're not careful. Look what happened to that Steve Worob character. Hung out to dry by a conspiracy so vast that it makes the Kennedy assassination look like an open and shut case .... against Abraham Zapruder and his Lyndon Johnson-authorized, CIA built, Mafia and Fidel Castro-funded, Lee Harvey Oswald delivered, Jack Ruby-loaded, camera-gun.

Peter said...

Boreos turned to the young woman and said, "Sophie, what would you like?" The combination of authority and allure was all too familiar, and I saw the girl flush when he spoke to her. I immediately felt guilty for my first impression of her. She was infatuated, that much was clear. It wasn't her fault that Boreos had chosen her to play his game.

Anonymous said...

Careful Jon!! All of your libelous comments have been printed out and legally documented. As frivolous as a lawsuit may seem to you, I'll bet it would be a huge embarrassment to the party that owns the computer. Be very careful Jon. Maybe you should just refrain from the blog for a while!!!

Anonymous said...

Can anonymous posters be libeled?

Truth is a defense in libel. "Incompetent buffoonery", "egomaniacal fantasy", and "misguided windbaggery" seem fairly accurate, especially if you read the comments that were anonymously posted.

Jon said...

Oh please!!! Lighten up just a little "anonymous." You may have to (sic) much starch in your underwear or something. I can't begin to remember everything that I ranted about so I learned to try and have a little fun. You should do the same.

Anonymous said...

"Son, you're teasin' the gorilla in the monkey house." - Hank Hill