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Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Open Door vs. Closed Door

Thanks to the emailer who mentioned this.

Are you a solid wall or an open door?


No matter what our job title may be, there is most likely always an element of customer service involved in our responsibilities. When it comes to serving others, both knowledge and attitude are important. Every day we need to accomplish a variety of activities. To do so requires interacting with people who are necessary in the process of resolving an issue, purchasing an item, answering a question, providing a service, etc.

There is often a great difference between what another person knows and what is in their heart. People can become a Solid Wall that stops us in our tracks and leaves us frustrated, or they can be an Open Door that provides true and meaningful service and satisfaction.

What might be some of the characteristics of the “Solid Wall” personality? This person can be hard. He or she can be difficult to pass through. The Wall can be a stopper of the flow of positive efforts and ideas. You cannot see past the Wall. It blocks your vision. The Wall can be a divider. The Wall might be decorated with nice pictures and a coat of paint, but underneath are drywall, studs and sharp nails. The Wall is set and solid, often rigid. The Wall can cast a shadow. Have you ever met a “Wall” personality? Sadly to say, we find these people at every turn, and perhaps they are not even aware of how they are perceived by others.

What might be some characteristics of the “Open Door” personality? This person has hinges and can be flexible in movement. You can see through the Open Door. Light can enter through it. The Door moves as needed to open the way. By its very nature the Door is inviting you to enter. It is welcoming. The Open Door says, “Come in and let's solve this together.” A breath of fresh air is able to flow through the Open Door. You often leave this Door with satisfaction, a smile on your face and a bounce in your step. Have you ever met an Open Door? You are blessed if you know a whole collection of Open Doors!

I have witnessed the Open Door attitude in all walks of life. The garbage man sets the cans down in our yard and doesn't just throw them in the street. A principal greets a new student with a smile. The cashier makes eye contact with you and her thank you is sincere. The customer service rep on the phone is friendly and actually helps you. A supervisor at work understands about an unexpected event in your family life. A contractor does a quality job and takes care to clean up. The list is endless.

May your life be filled with Open Doors and may you show great appreciation for each one of them. Please don't take them for granted. They are as precious as gold. I challenge and encourage anyone reading this article to evaluate how you relate to others.

You can have all the head knowledge in the world and leave another person feeling empty if you don't balance this knowledge with compassion, patience and respect. The smallest actions in life can often produce the biggest results. I thank God for the Open Doors in my life.

1 comment:

Peter said...

...And when they've given you their all
Some stagger and fall,
after all it's not easy
Banging your heart against some mad bugger's wall.