Countdown to April 29 to PERMANENTLY close M. R. Reiter. Ask the board to see the 6 point plan.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

What the MRR Explosion Looks Like From Grandview

Thanks to the emailer for this look inside Grandview while hosting the kindergarteners visiting from M. R. Reiter.

At GV the kindergarten kids in my daughters class have been doing a LOT of coloring this week simply because they are missing so many supplies there isn't much else to do. They are eating lunch in their classroom. On Gym day they were unable to have gym class because the fifth graders were using the lunchroom to eat during their normal lunch time. Instead Mr Campbell and Mrs Craig did an art project in the classroom. Yesterday they went outside for a brief walk to get some fresh air. The playground has been too wet to use. Today was library day and they were unable to check out library books for obvious reasons. On music day Mrs Plummer came tot he classroom and sang some songs and then they colored some more. A Letter came home two days ago asking for parents to send in books so the children will have some books to read/look at in the classrooms. If anyone out there has age appropriate books laying around that are no longer used and in good shape you may consider donating them to the K classrooms. There was also a request for tissues and hand sanitizer and cleaners for the tables. Teachers were unable to take anything like that from MRR. Only bare necessities were brought over....some manipulative toys...couple games...which explains all the coloring going on this week! The children seem to be doing ok but my daughter also wants to know "when can we go back to MRR? What's taking so long?" Traffic around GV has been a nightmare! Can't imagine what it would be like with trailers(excuse classrooms) and 200 more students on the property.

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