Countdown to April 29 to PERMANENTLY close M. R. Reiter. Ask the board to see the 6 point plan.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Leadership: The Year End List

Who knew there was a monthly magazine dedicated to public servants? I didn't. However, certainly does exist, and they have a monthly print magazine as well.

Their year end issue presents -- SURPRISE! -- the public officials of the year.

The major aspect of these stories is not what they do, but how they do what they do. There's leadership in their actions.

Keeping some measure of restraint, what about Morrisville's public officials? Who gets placed on Santa's list of good kids, and who gets put on the naughty list?

Putting aside the "I'm getting nothing but coal for Christmas" list, what does Santa's good list looks like in Morrisville?

I'd like to start off with some nominees to Santa's good list. From the Borough side, Mayor Tom Wisnosky, Code Officer Robert Seward, and Borough Manager George Mount.

From the school district side, the late Ed Frankenfield certainly deserves praise, but I'm holding off on naming any other current board members to either list. Dr. Beth Yonson is also on that good list.

How about those non-public official public people? There's really too many to list by name at the Rotary. Ditto at the Ivins House. There's compassionate civic leadership in action day after day.

Do you have any others? Tell us the people who make Morrisville not just a place to live, but HOME.

Every campaign season brings a raft of candidates who boast that they will take office ready to ask the tough questions about why their states, cities and counties stick to the same policies and strategies, instead of finding ways to perform better. They promise to poke into the dark corners of government and get the answers needed to improve the system. Unfortunately, a promise that looks simple in October becomes difficult to implement in January. More often than not, the toughest questions end up near the bottom of a long to-do list.

For a public official, asking tough questions is rarely fun. But it's doable, if somebody with brains and courage and persistence demands answers. Our eight Public Officials of the Year possess all those qualities. Their efforts have brought real results that have improved the lives of the people they represent. Governing is proud to honor their accomplishments.

“I think I gotta get a lot smarter between now and then!”
Country singer Tim McGraw, dismissing with a joke reports that he wants to run for governor of Tennessee in 2010 but saying that "if the time comes where there's something available and I think I can do some positive things, I'll be glad to do it"


Peter said...

I'd also put the following people on the good list:

George Bolos for trying to get something going in this town. Same for Dan Jones.

Karen Huggins for stepping up when she really deserved to be kicking back.

Reba Dunford for standing up for and trying to do the right thing. Ditto for Joe Kemp and Robin Reithmeyer.

The students that were involved in the sneaker drive and other civic projects.

The firefighters and EMT's that volunteer to keep us safe.

Last but not least, STS, whoever you are. This blog has been an invaluable source of information sharing.

Thank you all.

Save The School said...

Nominations via email:

Nominations - The Very Good List- The Morrisville Middle/High School students, for making their younger "classmates" feel welcome and downright special during the past week. These fine young people have been the subject of much undeserved derision, yet rose to the occasion with grace and class. Those of us who know the students expected nothing less, as we know this is their true nature.

Morrisville School District administration, teachers, teaching assistants, maintenence staff, cafeteria workers, office workers, everyone putting up with less than desirable conditions and increased workloads to see that our children continue to receive and education.

And Ed Frankenfield - A gentle soul who wanted nothing but what was right for the kids, and who spent his last public moments being abused for his caring beliefs.

I would prefer to make a "Needs to Find Another Vocation" list rather than a Bad List. 1ST PLACE would go to-Elected officials who coerced the electorate into believing their prime concern was the children, and have not made one decision or even conducted dialogue remotely connected to the education, health and safety of the students.. Maybe this job is not for you. But I don't wish you coal, somehow I think you've had enough of that in your lives. Instead I hope you receive something special that wakes your inner child and reminds you of those whose futures are at the mercy of your power.

Lastly, I'd like to make Santa a "Desperately needs help list." That's the rest of us. We have a long road ahead to fix this community. Together.