Countdown to April 29 to PERMANENTLY close M. R. Reiter. Ask the board to see the 6 point plan.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Thumbs Up

From the BCCT

To Morrisville resident Mark Coassolo, who suggested a way that the perpetually cash-strapped Morrisville School District could produce some much-needed additional funding. Coassolo is now heading a steering committee charged by the school board with implementing his proposal.

Coassolo’s idea of establishing a nonprofit education foundation isn’t new; other districts have similar foundations and business partnerships. But it’s among the few positive developments from the school board in recent years.

The goal of the fledgling foundation is to solicit donations from businesses and individuals to help improve the district. And much help is needed what with buildings that are in varying stages of disrepair. Encouragingly, interested donors already have surfaced.

Kudos to Coassolo on his enterprising idea and his willingness to lead the effort.


Jon said...

That's why the circulation is spiraling down on that dirty, stinky, smelly, rotten, no good, pink slip's in the mail, rag of a so-called newspaper.

Oh, he's one of "us"? Fantastic piece of Pulitzer Prize worthy journalism! I wish I had more hands so I could offer more thumbs up!

Anonymous said...

Jon?? Is that really you? Why are you channeling high public officials?

Peter said...

Whether you love him, hate him, or just think he's a kook, he has stuck to it and made this happen. Whether or not it was his idea in the first place is irrelevant. And for this I gotta agree with the BCCT thumbs.

Now, the challenge is to make sure this non-profit is properly managed. And this, I think, is where Mr. Coassolo attracts scrutiny, because he insists that this non-profit can replace taxes. If legally it can be done then have at it. Otherwise, please define the (legal) mission so we can all get behind it.

Jon said...

I must be high.

Anonymous said...

Why Jon? Been to Reiter lately when the black "mystery" smoke is coming out of the vent?

Jon said...

I guess so. The boiler problem is so bad at Reiter that it was absolutely imperative for the board to blast ahead, Hellmann to chuck out 9 of the 12 bids, and to forego any cost reimbursement from the state in order to get a new boiler at the Middle-High School. And new burners for the boiler at Grandview.

What that you say, the Middle-High School and Grandview aren't Reiter? I know. Silly isn't it?Apparently, Reiter's boiler is so bad that it boggled the board's mind to the point it almost didn't even think about it at all, only adding Reiter's boiler in a follow-up vote after it was brought up in public comments.

Does the black smoke at Reiter mean that no new Emperor has been chosen?