Countdown to April 29 to PERMANENTLY close M. R. Reiter. Ask the board to see the 6 point plan.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Resignation: Rumor or Fact? (Apparent Fact)

I received one comment regarding a very recent higher profile resignation within the school district. Without more information or confirmation, there's no post.

UPDATE: 2:15 P.M. Apparently the exodus is beginning. With the retirement of elementary principal Karen Huggins comes the apparent resignation of Melanie Gehrens, principal of the Middle/Senior High School. It is being reported that she will be moving to the Bristol Township School District as the Supervisor of Secondary Curriculum and Instruction.

I do not have official word of this, but have received too many different reports for this to be completely made up.


Anonymous said...

The high school principal quit and is going to work in another nearby district.

Anonymous said...

Copy of an email:

Dear Faculty and Staff,

I wanted to take a moment to let you know that I am leaving my position at the Morrisville Middle Senior High School. I will be starting a new position at Bristol Township School District as the Supervisor of Secondary Curriculum and Instruction in August.

I have enjoyed my last nine years here and I appreciate having had the opportunity to work with all of you. Morrisville is truly a family community atmosphere and this has been a very difficult decision for me. Thank you all for the support and encouragement you have provided me during my time at the Morrisville Middle/Senior High School. Even though I will miss my colleagues, the students, and parents; I am looking forward to this new challenge and to starting a new phase of my career.

Please keep in touch; I can be reached at my personal email address or at home.

Thanks again for everything.

Yours truly,

Melanie Gehrens

Anonymous said...


Jon said...

No need to replace her - Kate Taylor can cover all 3 schools, right?

What's that you say - don't give 'em any ideas? As if they haven't thought of this already....

Anonymous said...

Kate Taylor will probably have her surgery and just not return. Use up her sick days and then retire.

How long has she been at Morrisville?

Anonymous said...

Maybe Dr. Yonson can run the whole thing single handedly. She's already at the high school and she can probably teach a few classes as well.

Peter said...

Since they voted to renege on Beth Yonson's five year deal, that would make her contract null and void and she would then need to sign the new 3 year deal. I gotta think she's considering not signing and just moving on.

If it is true that Melanie Gehrens has resigned, and with Karen Huggins retiring (read: not that should would, but she can walk out the very moment she can take no more B.S.), and Kate Taylor out indefinitely, what's left? (No offense intended to Bill Ferrara. He's a great addition to the team but he's just one person.)

Now consider what this is doing to the morale of the teachers and staff... having the administration abandon ship, it's gotta feel very much like Enron right before it sank.

I hope Dr Yonson hangs in there but I wouldn't blame her if she didn't.

They want to run the district like a business but are too shortsighted to realize that without your best employees the business stops running.

Or is that the point?

Anonymous said...

When will the state step in, after it's already too late?

Anonymous said...

When will the state step in? Are you nuts? Do you really believe that our bloated, pompous, ignorant,arrogant,self-serving and corrupt state government will step in and fix anything? You must be kidding, right?

Anonymous said...

I believe Mrs Gehrens wrote many of the recent Grant Proposals for the district. I am very grateful to her for obtaining some of the grants received by our district. With her departure and the grant writer position (as a true position) taken out of the budget I fear much needed grant money will be on the decline in a big way in the not too distant future.

Ken said...

"When will the state step in, after it's already too late?"

This is what is hoped for by the board (and Council too, I might add). but believe me, this is not what we want!

First of all, for the State to step in means the district is in the WORST possible situation, something Hellmann is striving for, but something we should be stopping.

Secondly, if the State steps in it is an indication that WE have not done a proper job at solving our own problems. Is this the message we want to be sending?

Finally, if the State steps in we lose any and all control we might have (even that control which might be unwanted is better than total loss of control).

Do we really think that the State will be a Deus Ex Machina, meant to swoop in here and save the day? With State take-over what we very well could end up with is a MANDATE that says, you WILL provide the education to these children, HERE is your budget and your new tax millage rate, and PAY THESE TAXES NOW or lose your houses.

We are SO on the brink of a major disaster in Morrisville.

Ken said...

By the way, who is going to apply for a position in Morrisville when the board feels it can just arbitrarily change a contract whenever it feels like it?

Peter said...

"By the way, who is going to apply for a position in Morrisville when the board feels it can just arbitrarily change a contract whenever it feels like it?"

Maybe this guy?

Anonymous said...

As long as we have people in charge with the attitude that everyone else is out to pull some chicanery, we will not be able to move ahead. One must ask, why are these people so suspicious of everyone else's motives? It certainly makes me think that these serial accusers are simply trying to cover up their own misdeeds by pointing fingers at others. Perhaps they should try to remember that when you point a finger, the other fingers of your hand are all pointing back at you.

Ken said...

Open dialogue engenders a less divisive environment.

The tradition of labeling everything conspiratorial began with Worob.

If I point with all five fingers in the same direction, and palm up, it is a plea for reconcilliation and a request for others to treat me as a partner, not an enemy.

Anonymous said...

But if you point upwards with a certain finger, it means something else. I think we've been getting that hand-sign for too long from some.