Countdown to April 29 to PERMANENTLY close M. R. Reiter. Ask the board to see the 6 point plan.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

We're Waiting Steve...

The silence is deafening...

Remember this post?

School Funding Fight

Or are they just content with publicly whining about how unfair the current funding plan is and not following through with the hard work of making proposals become reality?

While I think about it, someone got up at a recent school board meeting and said, "Someone needs to do something" about the tax situation. Well, DUH. Talk about a stroke of the blinding obvious.

First off, I remember very well who said that from the audience. Now it's time to pay up. Congratulations! YOU, sir, are that someone. Introduce a resolution in the borough council supporting this tax plan. Get one introduced in the school board. Pass them both unanimously and present them tied with red ribbons and bows to Governor Rendell, Senator McIlhenney, and Representative Galloway.


Jon said...

That would be scandalously productive! And he can take all the credit, as if it was his own idea.

By the way, didn't Marlys straighten all this out last week when she was in H'Burg hobnobbing with the power brokers?

Anonymous said...

Here's a link to another activist web site:
I'm on board. I found out about it through PSBA, so it should be a sound organization. Sign on, forward the alert to everyone you know.