Countdown to April 29 to PERMANENTLY close M. R. Reiter. Ask the board to see the 6 point plan.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Stop being your own worst enemy

From the BCCT this morning, there are two items. First is the "Financial Suicide" editorial and then a guest opinion from Greta O'Keefe. Greta has appeared in several entries on this blog previously. Many of you are going to see her name and turn the page muttering, "Yeah, well, she was FOR the NEW SCHOOL!" Wait. Give her a minute and read anyway.

This was one of the tactics that the Stop the School people used very well: Make the most simplistic argument (Stop the School) and say noting else. It worked and they won.

Now, when it's time for their plan, there is none. The "old" school board had a plan, thought out their activities, and proceeded accordingly.

Now, the "new" board is cutting textbooks (Men on the moon? Really?), cutting the technology budget, downsizing the special education services, not replacing teachers and principals, AND, they gave the money back. We have literally nothing to show for years of work and $4.5 million dollars in costs.

This is going to give you a double whammy. First, you will get a tax break this year, but that's only because the costs of the bond for the new school are gone. Did you notice that your taxes have NOT returned to the levels that they were at pre-bond? That's because the costs have gone up and more needs to be paid for.

His Highness, William I, has already decreed that taxes WILL go up next year by some 45 mils. So the tax "cut" of about 20 mils for this year is temporary. Next year, it will be back and DOUBLED. Don't forget. The students will all be crammed into a single K-12 building that is NOT designed to hold those age groups.

So your taxes will rise and your home's value will drop because of the lack of a modern school system.

Is this what you wanted when you voted to Stop the School? Higher taxes and lower property values? It's certainly what you got. The school board is now controlled by the same people who "run" our town. No vision, no future, and no changes. Just the sound of self centered power hungry individuals chattering endlessly with no goal, running the progressive-minded people we desperately need away with their foolishness.

Budget slashing in Morrisville
Financial suicide?
The Morrisville school board is flirting with lawsuits and sanctions as it cuts programs and people.

Is the Morrisville school board trying to commit financial suicide? Some folks think so.

They believe that the new majority on the board, elected on a promise to torpedo a new $30 million K-12 school, wants to sink the district financially as well, and force the state to take over the district. Board decisions have done little but feed that suspicion.

Consider that the board chose not to take advantage of the exception to raise taxes above the state limit, leaving members no choice but to cut proposed spending increases in next year’s budget. While doing so is music to taxpayers’ ears, some spending increases essentially are mandatory, which is why the state offers exceptions to the tax limit.

For example, districts have no choice but to provide costly special education programs. With more special-ed students enrolled next year, Morrisville’s special-ed bill naturally will spike. Still, the board chose to slash the spending increase needed to keep pace.

Board members also reduced spending increases for alternative schools and will consider staff cuts, including not replacing a principal leaving one of the district’s two elementary schools.

The cutbacks would reduce the average tax bill by about $300.

This would be a commendable accomplishment in most districts and also startling. But the Morrisville board is flirting with state sanctions and possibly a lawsuit, the only recourse special-ed parents would have if the district does not provide programs to which their children are entitled. Board members need to calculate the cost of possible litigation and sanctions before formalizing decisions that could come back to haunt.

Indeed, dozens of residents attending last week’s board meeting voiced concern that the spending cuts would hurt the district and ultimately their children.

“How are we going to survive?” asked one concerned parent at last week’s meeting. That question among others went unanswered as the board’s dictatorial chairman, William Hellmann, and supporting cast members sat mute in the face of criticism. Hellman, likewise, did not return our reporter’s phone calls the next day.

Said minority board member Joseph Kemp, “Not to respond to these parents, these concerned citizens, is really disrespectful.”

It is that and much, much more.

In conclusion, we turn to today’s Guest Opinion writer, Greta O’Keefe, a former school board member, who urges Morrisville citizens and officials “to rise up and demand better of yourself. Have some dignity and stop being your own worst enemy.”

Morrisville citizens: Stop being your own worst enemy

Morrisville was settled in 1624, and it’s been settling ever since...

I have owned a home here for six years, and haven’t seen much change, other than more cigarette shops exist than when I moved in, and another exciting plan for revitalization was destroyed. How embarrassing!

Morrisville, it is time for you to wake up and see that the town won’t fix itself, and fighting against everything isn’t the answer. You have successfully stopped a money-saving new school, considered opening a burlesque theatre on our main street, and now you voted against a riverfront complex that would have produced jobs and tax revenue.

If you think shooting this in the foot doesn’t discourage future investors, think again. Morrisville is on a slippery slope and the school district will continue to increasingly suck the money out of our wallets, no matter who runs it (into the ground), until someone brings an actual tax base into this community.

I see many parallels between myself and the people of Morrisville, even the town itself. I grew up in a poor neighborhood and often believed I didn’t have a future. I come from a family where college wasn’t “for people like us,” that you work your life away just to survive.

As a young adult, I believed it, and cleaned houses, waitressed and nannied, but always hoped there was more potential for a better life. I finally realized the best way to meet that potential was to go to college. But how would I pay for it? I took out loan after loan putting myself through school, something that many thought I could never do, including myself at times.

Sound familiar? Morrisville is struggling to revitalize without much council support, and in case you still think it’s possible, Pennsbury won’t touch our school district for all the money in the state. Almost half of our town is now rental property, our high school test scores are an embarrassment, our council doesn’t put enough money into improving our town, and all anyone does is complain about what things might cost IF we actually did something about any of it. Many residents, for some reason, accept this and are insulted when anyone says it could be better.

The point is, I was willing to invest in myself and my own future and it changed my life. Yes, I am still paying off loans, but when they are paid, I will have already reaped the reward, with the best yet to come, not to mention the pride I gained throughout the process of improving myself.

See the parallel?

Morrisville, you need to rise up and demand better of yourself. Have some dignity and stop being your own worst enemy. You need to stop distributing blame for your tax bill and start working toward a solution. I am disgusted that 82 percent of our town’s voters elected the current school board.

Morrisville, why do you continue to vote for people who keep you down? You listened to the fear tactics of the very people that hold you back by kicking out the people that were trying to lift you up. You need to stop blaming the young folks in town for your problems and start inviting new people to come in and build.

Turn off your TVs, improve your property, and get involved. Go to school board meetings and make the members improve our district! Go to council meetings and demand improvement to our blighted main street! Make the board and council work for you! Better yet, run for office against them. Stand up for your town and stand up for yourself. You have definitely settled for far too long...
Greta O’Keefe, Morrisville, is a former member of the Morrisville school board member.


Anonymous said...

Oh I cried to hear the Greta Okeefe story. How brave that she came from a poor background and now offers hope to the poor people of Morrisville. Are you kidding me? Round one and don't have much time but this princess kissed the prince and turned him into a toad. Didn't she state that our beautiful park was "pathetic" and then publicly ridicule an elderly man who was concerned to keep his home? Didn't Greta also push for the unwanted new school that depleted this tiny borough og nearly 5 million dollars. Now she sees paralles between us and her? I don't think so Greta.

Save The School said...

Sadly enough, you missed the point. This isn't about "Greta" but about people in general building themselves up and making themselves into more than they were. That's where Morrisville needs to go, and it's the vision and purposefulness we need in our local leaders.

Unknown said...

If you can't quote me correctly, Steve, then don't quote me at all.

I said our park was an "embarrassment".

You and your friends won't put money into it - so now you removed the playground equipment?

Are you kidding me?

Unknown said...

Oh, and Steve, the elderly gentleman first called for my obituary in the paper. I just called him on it.

Anonymous said...

Sadly Steve, your negative attitude and that of the "others" is exactly why Morrisville is where it is today! Even sadder is that the children of this town have to pay for it!
The question really is...Who is kidding who?

Save The School said...

Anonymous, I needed to reject your comment about renting. If you would restate it perhaps it can be printed.

Jon said...

Steve's brand of "leadership" has had the run of the place for years, decades really. Truth be told, he/it isn't much capable of behaving any other way. It's not a Democrat or Republican thing, it's more one of attitude and outlook.

It seems that finally there are some new voices in town that are speaking up for themselves, not to seize power and control, but let their views be known, rather than be cowed into submission or move away. It sounds trite, but I think the main driver for this is love of Morrisville, wanting to see it improve, and not wanting to just keep trying the same old things over and over again, even though they've been less than successful (or outright failures). This is evidently quite threatening to the existing "leadership", which tends to react with character attacks and attempts to squash, kick out of the club, etc. An all or nothing, scorched earth approach.

I'm glad this forum exists to get some things out on the table and document the history. In the past, these things just kind of drifted off into the ether, forgotten by short memories or re-written by the loudest voices. It may not do a lick of good, but then again it just might.

Ken said...

"Oh I cried to hear the Greta Okeefe story. How brave that she came from a poor background and now offers hope to the poor people of Morrisville."

On the other hand, Steve, you and your sister came from gifted backgrounds, being raised right here in town, graduating from the same school you now look to destroy.

You've removed your own children from the system, sending them to a privileged private education, teaching them nothing about civic pride or the need to return their gifts to the community.

What have you given to the community? Poison?

If anybody should cry to hear a poignant story it should be for yours and how you squandered the chance to do better for your community.

Jon said...

Can someone explain why the 2009-10 tax increase is shaping up to be 45 mils? That's nearly a 25% increase over the austere-to-the-point-of-raising-legal-eyebrows 2008-09 budget the board is currently "working on".

Is this just a Hellmann projection to be taken with a chunk of sodium chloride, or is there some fact in there?

Anonymous said...

The new school didn't deplete the town of 5 million dollars, steve. You did when you voted for the board that stopped it!

Anonymous said...

Gee Jon, I thought we had a truce going. You hurt my feelings. Boreos, you really should not bring children into your hateful reactive comments. You will show everyone how low you are. Oh, but that's right, most people don't know who you are because you lack the courage to use your real name. You my friend define the word coward.

Anonymous said...

"you really should not bring children into..."

That's right!

We definately should NOT bring children into the conversation about the school district.

Leave the children out of this.

We don't need no steenkin' children. This has nothing to do with the children.

We can destroy this district without them.

Anonymous said...

when will the name calling stop - when will we start to work together to make positive changes for Morrisville??????
We are living in small minds and the world is watching! Stop this negative behavior and grow up - we may not always be able to have our own way, we may not always be able to satisfy our ego - but as adults we need to make good decisions for the betterment of all!

Anonymous said...

I agree with anonymous about name calling. There is a difference between being vicious and making your point through critical humor. I'm never vicious to say the hateful remarks listed above by borows and shadman. Those cowardly remarks should not be published as per the directions of this blog but I suppose the rules pertaining to me will be bent. You know gentlemen, I don't believe either one of you or infact both of you would have the courage to say what you said to my face. You know Ken, perjury can be a terrible thing to live with. You know "thou shall not bear false witness." Perjury will certainly come back to haunt you.

Save The School said...

You know, you're right. I re-read shadman's comment. It was inappropriate and it is gone, and I apologize for having allowed it. I also stand by my "glass house" references too. Let's not have too many pots screaming about the kettles.

While we're on that subject, you have not seen the comments I already deleted. I can say without reservation that steve has by far been the single subject of some of the most personal and most hateful comments I've seen, and that's really as far as I'd like to take this.

If you want to comment seriously, please do so, but let's leave the personal references out. And yes, after all this time moderating the blog, I was finally clued in on the side references everyone was making. That's not a relevant issue either.

Ken said...

"I'm never vicious to say the hateful remarks listed above by borows..."

How did this get turned around?

Read the thread and I think you will find this a rather false statement.

"when will the name calling stop..."

I apologize right here and now if my defense of Greta with regard to the caustic things said about her appear to be name calling in themselves. My intent was to defend against name calling.

Further, I thought I had asked a relatively straight forward question: "What have you given to the community?"

My questions are not intended to be rhetorical. The problem is, when I ask them, I never get an answer. What is the difference between asking these questions here, in a public forum, and asking them "face-to-face"? I don't believe I'll get any more of an answer that way.

I agree with all of the writers who are calling for reasoned debate without the "hateful, reactive comments". I promise to self-edit. But in order to have a debate, or even a conversation for that matter, you have to have QUESTIONS and you have to have ANSWERS. If one side, or the other, refuses to answer the questions, and instead only throws back vitriolic comments, then there will never be reasoned debate.

And we'll never move forward.

Anonymous said...

Huh? I don't understand. Do you mean me? How did I perjure myself? Was it at Dr. Gould's lawsuit trial?

I'm not getting this.

> -----Original Message-----
> Subject: STSblog info
> Ken,
> I thought you might like to
> know you were mentioned in the
> blog again today.

>> You know Ken, perjury can be a
>> terrible thing to live
>> with. You know "thou shall not
>> bear false witness."
>> Perjury will certainly come
>> back to haunt you.

Anonymous said...

With all due respect, it's in the book ken I'm surprised you don't remember. Nevertheless, you and Bill will know when the book comes out. So will the judge. etc. etc. etc. Sleep well my friend.

shadman said...

Your all correct...I do sincerely apologise. I will be professional from now on. It's just that my feelings toward Steve get the best of me sometimes. I will do my best to nip that in the bud. Let's all do our best to keep this a professional blog with good opinions. Ocassional humor with taste is always welcome. Even a tad blue is ok with me. TTFN

Anonymous said...

Hey, good intentions, above the board discourse and civility are all great, but let's call a spade a spade. Morrisville's self-proclaimed "High Public Official" is an embarrassment to the town and it's people. His rhetoric here and elsewhere is a testament to this, and it's been proven time and time again that he's just wrong. Yet, somehow in his mind it's everyone else who's wrong, the DA, Judges, IGs, the town's people, just never him. Hmmmmm? Maybe it's time for him to look in the mirror.

Anonymous said...

Yes many have said I am wrong but noone has ever ever debated any of the issues with me. Why?
Truth is I wasn't wrong about anything and I cared about the students and taxpayers who were being cheated. It is easy to make an uneducated statement that someone is wrong, it takes very little work. I realize that the relative fiscal impact on Morrisville was peanuts compared to some things but the dollar amount was never my point. For many years we've been plaqued by a self severing leadership that has hurt all aspects of our educational program. Two quick examples are Einstien and the students school store incident but there were many many more. I suppose the larger picture of all this is why I've been misunderstood and the big picture has always been about big banks, big loans and little accountability which makes me wonder why,
- The superintendent's assoc. of PA funded a private lawsuit?
- The state Auditor General's office lied and manipulated an investigation to conceal impropriety? Now that AG is a US senator.
- Do nothing DA number one became a judge?
- Do nothing DA number two became a judge?
-Do nothing DA number three became a US attorney?
- A newspaper fabricated malicious untruths to implicate in a lawsuit?
- A (Good old Republican's club) judge(Who seeks a federal appointment) threatens, "if you appeal my decision I will do everything in my power to stop you" then his court reporter delete's such threat from the transcript?
- School board members were threatened by lawyers and state officials?
- A superintendent took his own life?
- Bond people, banks, administrators, and lawyers embellish themselves and abuse their authority through conflicts of interest?
- The list goes on and on and on.
Sorry, am I boring anyone? The three C's (Conspiracy,corruption and cover-up) can get tedious. I hope my book won't be boring.

Save The School said...

Steve: Stop living in the past and do your job in the present. Get our taxes lowered and restructure the school funding system. Commenting on a blog is not doing your job.

Anonymous said...

The reason why no one will debate these issues any longer is because they are all tired, old, unproven, and beaten into the Earth. They been raked over the coals, thoroughly washed, rinsed and repeated, put up to dry, and they're still the same old tired issues that no longer affect what is happening in town today. Instead of a vision for the possibilities and future of the town,as one would hope a high public official would embrace, you choose to remain firmly focused on your myopic, small minded living in the past. Everyone's tired of the same old tirades. Yes, there was some hanky-panky with issues that have happened with the schools and with the borough. You were a part of these if history serves as a guide. These issues are over. The people involved have all moved on. Why don't you? If you want to be a real leader, lead us forward, and stop dragging us backwards into the mud. We've had enough!!

Anonymous said...

Ok, last point. Critic number one, I can chew gum and walk at the same time. When people publish uneducated/false comments that "you're wrong," it merits and seeks a response.
Critic number two said "yes there was hanky panky" and the people involved "have moved on." (moved on where?) I rest my case. You know guys, if you're so tired of reading the same old stuff, then why do you read it? If anyone cares to hear about the old old old story any further, wait for the book. Good day.

Save The School said...

Who's the coward now, Steve? Go do your job as a borough council member and stop living in the past. If you need help, contact Senator McIlhinney's office in Fallsington for help. Stop being a do nothing politician and get our taxes lowered.

Anonymous said...

Let's see... Your personal Nemesis moved on to another school district, The VP was fired, as was the solicitor. The Business Managers have all moved on to other areas, so, who's left? Just what do you hope to accomplish by your crusade? Whatever may or may not have happened is over, and has no impact on now or the future. I'm glad you'll have a book, but I wonder just who will publish it and who will read it, and afterwards, what then? Your leadership, or lack thereof, will have produced nothing but more of the same crap keeping the town in a state of stagnation. I ask you directly, what do you hope will be your legacy to Morrisville? Right now it looks like nothing more than anger at the world. How about changing that to something everyone can be proud of? If you want to make a difference, make it a positive difference, not a negative one.