Countdown to April 29 to PERMANENTLY close M. R. Reiter. Ask the board to see the 6 point plan.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Pennsbury: We want a school board like Morrisville

From the BCCT.

Thank you for laying out your ideas. As a future Pennsbury parent, I thought we should begin to take more of an interest in Pennsbury affairs.

Your brethren in Morrisville the last time hid like frightened schoolgirls at a horror movie rather than reveal their agenda. We need more open discussion, not more hidden meetings at board members houses and secret agendas. The openness is refreshing. I sincerely congratulate you and hope you will keep it up.

Pay and benefits do have to be brought under control. But what if the letter had been from a four year old enclosing a nickel and saying "I want to be a doctor and need a school so I can start Kindergarten and reach my goal"? Is that any less heartwarming or touching? The shoddy deal of taxation hits a lot of people. You're running for school board, not the board of taxation. We made that mistake here in Bulldog Alley.

I do like the ideas you have about more parental involvement and keeping the operations of the school district transparent. Let's hope you succeed admirably there. You talked about "performance based pay" for teachers. That idea needs a lot more thought before it can be implemented, but it's definitely a good idea for discussion.

If you want to stand up to the special interest groups, why aren't you running for a state senate or representative's slot? You rightly identify them as the culprits in the teacher pension funding mess.

You also ignored the third way to deal with the mess: Have Harrisburg change the law. What are you doing to get that going? Smacking about the Pennsbury teachers union locally doesn't resonate well enough to reach into the conference rooms in the Capitol building.

Instead, you would seek to win a slot on the local board of education enabling you to crush the Pennsbury teachers under your iron boot heel. OK. Fine. Let's say you succeed. What did it accomplish? We're doing that in Morrisville right now, demonizing the teachers and overreacting to save the seniors, forgetting that our five year olds need saving too. Stop by and visit them, now conveniently housed in our state-of-the-art trailer park, right down the street from the contaminated school building we ignored.

How is demonizing one side going to reach a consensus? How does this ensure that the students you would represent would receive an education?

We need school board representatives who will represent the interests of the taxpayer, the seniors, AND the children all at the same time. Obama only has to deal with a global economic meltdown. That's easy compared to the bubbling fetid morass that is local politics.

I'm sure you and your likeminds will will the primary and eventual election in November. Ask the Emperor how it's going here in Morrisville. (Hint: We're looking for you and your district to save our whiny little butts.)

Trust me: The view is different from the other side of the microphone.

Disaster looms if pay and benefits aren’t brought under control

School board elections are notoriously low turnout affairs. There are no presidential or congressional races in 2009 so voter turnout will likely be low in the primary election on May 19. Of course, it doesn’t have to be that way. Readers could mark their calendars right now to vote in their local school board elections. School taxes comprise 80 percent of most people’s property taxes in the Pennsbury School District. Every taxpayer has a vested interest in choosing the elected officials that control a $180 million annual budget.

The teacher union agenda of “spend spend spend” is being matched by the building trade unions, which recently made aggressive noises about the Makefield Elementary school renovation project. My guess is that they’d love to elect school board members to get another horrific union-biased “responsible contractor” ordinance passed, just like the Lower Makefield supervisors did. I have no doubt that union resources will be geared up against me this May. That’s because I believe in free and open markets, and I firmly believe that the people paying the bill, i.e. taxpayers, deserve representation on the school board.

When I sat down with my Republican running mate, Kathleen Zawacki, to discuss running for Pennsbury school board it became clear that we were of likeminds. Both of us have children attending the school district. Neither of us has taken any polls on any issue, nor have we hired any campaign consultants to tell us what our positions are. The volunteers of both parties who are helping our campaign are everyday people — many of whom have never been involved with any election campaign before.

In two years time, a freight train is going to hit every school district in Pennsylvania. The state Legislature has mandated that school employee retirement benefits be increased by 25 percent. This will come at a time when the teachers’ retirement fund is swimming in red ink. There will be two ways for school districts to fund this pending new mandate: severely raise property taxes and/or severely cut into educational programs. Unless school boards get a handle on the biggest item in their budgets (salaries and benefits) right now, then disaster is coming.

If we don’t properly control labor costs ahead of this pending pension crisis, it won’t be just taxpayers who pay the price. It will be our school children. It will probably be the arts programs and the extracurricular activities that get cut first. That’s not right. Yet the two endorsed Democrat candidates for school board are backed by union-funded PACs and by state Rep. Steve Santarsiero, who helped himself to thousands of dollars in teacher union money to get elected.

There are many reforms that are needed at Pennsbury. Academic performance in the high school needs to improve. That means looking at the block scheduling and the split between classes in East and West buildings. There needs to be greater parental access and input into all school board decisions. Televising the board meetings would bring about greater public transparency. Performance-related pay for our professional educators needs to be discussed too.

Parents and taxpayers have a choice on May 19. Kathleen Zawacki and I will appear on both sides of the ballot in this upcoming primary election. Democrats and Republicans alike will have an opportunity to vote for us, and cast party label aside. We intend to protect our children’s educational needs by standing up to the powerful special interest groups.

A few months ago I received a handwritten letter from a fixed-income senior that contained a crumpled up $5 contribution. The letter read “my property taxes are one third of my income and I’m terrified of losing my home. You are my only hope.”

It broke my heart that someone as irrelevant as me was considered that important. After returning her $5 and thanking this lady for her kind words, I decided to run for school board. You see, this lady deserves better than the shoddy deal she has been dealt by the crushing burden of taxation. It would be my honor to represent her.

Please come out and vote.


Jon said...

I don't know, maybe it's the self-righteous attitude, maybe it's the insincere-feeling humility from a clearly attention-seeking guy ("someone as irrelevant as me", give me a break!), maybe it's the strong anti-union viewpoint, maybe it's the anger and fear-based approach (disasters, freight trains hitting, people losing homes, etc.), but something about this bloke says "charlatan" and "run away from him" to me. I'm always cautious about people pushing extreme agendas and using polarizing tactics like this. We've got plenty of this in Morrisville, and didn't we just have 8 years of it in the White House? I think you can be tough and pragmatic without stomping on people and using scorched-earth tactics. Good luck Pennsbury!

Anyway, if he gets in, I'm sure he & his running mate will be pushin' real hard for that Pennsbury-Morrisville merger .......NOT!

Unknown said...

There are other candidates besides those endorsed by the local party brokers.

Ken said...

"You also ignored the third way to deal with the mess: Have Harrisburg change the law."

Hooray for this statement. Local rule often leads to the thought that all problems are local. There are some issues that we should be banding together with other districts over and solving statewide in Harrisburgh.

As for the letter writer's issues, a word of warning. Here in Morrisville we have only one or two teachers who are Morrisville taxpayers, and therefore it is much easier to demonize them, being as they are "alien" to Morrisville.

In Pennsbury, I would wager to say that 95% of all staff and faculty are your neighbors and fellow taxpayers. There is a face on that union, and it may be one that is seen daily across the fence or even across the bridge table.

Jon said...

Below are the comments on the BCCT article. They sound awfully familiar. So maybe if this long-promised never-delivered merger with Pennsbury manages to happen, we in Morrisville, even though we'd probably get 0 or 1 board seats at best on a merged board, can be content to let these folks do the talking for us? I'm sure they'd consider what's best for Morrisville, don't you? Be careful what you wish for......

eortho, 04-10-09, 4:10 am | Rate: 1 | Report

It will be my honor to have you represent me. Thank you.

Rebecca , 04-10-09, 4:58 am | Rate: 3 | Report

May 19th is a primary election so there are more candidates running not just the 2 Democrats and 2 Republicans endorsed by the handful of local party power brokers.
Time for change - every voice heard---2 way public comment now at

Rebecca , 04-10-09, 5:20 am | Rate: 3 | Report

but the important thing is to vote for change and to become aware of what is really happening in our schools particularly with our youngest children who are put last, whose "bathrooms are too small by the cafeteria....." I have one running a fever this morning.

yb, 04-10-09, 7:35 am | Rate: 1 | Report

You can get involved in Simon and Kathleen's campaign at

HENRY, 04-10-09, 8:07 am | Rate: -1 | Report

Simon Campbell Hates Teachers and all public sector employees. That is his record.

He took his angst and stinging rhetoric to Harrisburg and Doylestown and was fairly dismissed.

Undaunted, he now wants to hijack your local school board.
This single agenda individual will divide this community for many years to come. That would be the very sad result.

Everyone should consider the more sound and reasonable candidates running this May and November.

RK, 04-10-09, 8:32 am | Rate: -3 | Report

The bad news is my daughter will only be in 11th grade if these people become elected. The good news is in only 2 years she will graduate, and their policies and poor judgement will have very little affect on her.

I feel sorry for future students and Pennsbury if these people get elected.

Rebecca , 04-10-09, 8:49 am | Rate: 0 | Report

Who are you for, RK?

RK, 04-10-09, 9:33 am | Rate: -2 | Report

Not for you or Simon

jaydeepee, 04-10-09, 10:43 am | Rate: 0 | Report

Anybody know where Simon & Kathleen stand on merging with Morrisville?

HoneyBunny, 04-10-09, 10:47 am | Rate: -3 | Report

"Republican running mate". Those words are an electoral kiss of death.

HENRY, 04-10-09, 11:38 am | Rate: -2 | Report

I think that Campbell's running mate has benefited greatly with good wages, healthcare and now retirement benefits courtesy of the Federal Government, and the taxpayers.

I personally don't begrudge her. I am sure, as a public servant, she performed well.

It is, however, a bit ironic that she is running with Campbell.

raplk, 04-10-09, 12:11 pm | Rate: 2 | Report

SIMON CAMPBELL: "He Plays on our Fears", didn't Algore say that one time...of course he got the Nobull prize for globull warming!

jaydeepee, 04-10-09, 2:00 pm | Rate: 0 | Report

But where do they stand on merging with Morrisville?

Rebecca , 04-10-09, 3:00 pm | Rate: 2 | Report

Honey, I am not sure of the implication of the "Republican running mate" comment as we know they are both endorsed Republicans.
The Morrisville blog has a couple of comments on this piece:

hdqueenie, 04-10-09, 4:18 pm | Rate: -2 | Report

I am marking my calendar to vote on May 19 - for anyone that isn't Simon or Rebecca.

eortho, 04-10-09, 4:36 pm | Rate: 2 | Report

The anti-Simon sentiment is very similar to those who blame rape victims for being raped. "Change", in this case, represents the honesty that most would like at this point. The posters above desperately seek to keep things the same. On a related note, Simon is not even remotely anti-teacher; just anti-selfabsorb ed.

RK, 04-10-09, 5:05 pm | Rate: -2 | Report

Simon and his running mate put teachers salaries on thier web cite, Does he have the courage to put his own salary up their.

What is he afraid of, letting everyone know that he is overpaid

stop it now, 04-10-09, 5:08 pm | Rate: -2 | Report

guess what folks most teachers with their credentials can get jobs and are fairly intelligent.
putting a yoke around the neck of those who teacher the dirty and unwashed kids maybe risky- remember what goes around comes around.

as far as simon is concerned please go back to your home country or dry up!!!!!

stop it now, 04-10-09, 5:09 pm | Rate: -3 | Report

PS- we could outsource the teaching jobs to illegals - they can train your kids for third world jobs!!!!

Rebecca , 04-10-09, 5:48 pm | Rate: 3 | Report

Not too far from the truth, SIN.
My kids came from a third world country, Russia. People are better educated there and the orphanages at lease knew enough to wash their hands before they ate even though the water was full of parasites they did what they could. It is sad that American schools have come to this and even sadder that so many are apathetic and in denial.

I have put up some of my many documents now. If you see these and still don't believe the reality then you just don't want to.

BTW, Jobs for striking air traffic controllers were filled in the 80's within a year.

Reality Check, 04-10-09, 6:06 pm | Rate: 2 | Report

The comments posted read as though the teachers union is already out in force. This time it appears the union is attempting to brand people before they are elected to the Board.
You may not like the messenger but Mr Campbell is correct and denying the facts will not supply the answer.

After 9-11 the State pension fund took a financial hit, just as we all did. The difference is we lost money but the State assessed the Districts contribution to the State pension fund and used the larger assessment to fund their loss. In our current economy we are facing the same problem. The State pension fund has lost money, like the rest of us, however we will be expected to swallow our monetary loss’s and fund theirs.

Teachers’ salary’s in Bucks, Chester and Montgomery counties still lead teachers’ salaries across our State and most of the nation; although higher teacher salaries have never been equated to better teaching abilities or better test scores. Pennsylvania’ s antiquated pension system is out of control and needs to be addressed by the State legislature.

Anyone elected to serve on the Pennsbury School Board must be able to deal with unfunded mandates, teacher negotiations and a potential merger with Morrisville as well as the daily operation of the system. Those elected will strive to enhance the integrity of Pennsbury’s educational system while the public continues to malign them and the State continues to do nothing.

jaydeepee, 04-10-09, 6:26 pm | Rate: 0 | Report

Rebecca, where do you stand on merging with Morrisville?

Reality Check, 04-10-09, 6:33 pm | Rate: 3 | Report

Where do you stand? What do you see as the pros and cons?

Rebecca , 04-10-09, 8:06 pm | Rate: 2 | Report

Morrisville is in a serious situation but Pennsbury is not that far behind if we continue on the current path. Pennsbury is in a worse situation than is being acknowledged even aside from the budget and pension crisis which are formidable enough, because there are things that matter besides test scores and student teacher ratios but are off the radar and are not being measured.

The population has grown in this area without upgrading the infrastructure to support it. And Morrisville’s problems may very well spill over into Pennsbury if nothing is done. The Morrisville situation warrants further examination which may or may not have been done. I have not requested the data at this point.

Merging with Morrisville is going to be pretty unpopular in Pennsbury under any circumstances. Political candidates will steer clear of this as they have avoided many other issues to gain broader support. Obama ran on the platform of change and hope. That is pretty broad and vague. Look where we are now as reality is starting to set in that they had no idea where he stood on the issues.

It is worth looking into options with Morrisville but not by packing more kids into an already overcrowded or mismanaged school and not without an equitable contibution from their taxpayers. Mergers work in many circumstances but not in others.

pajmf, 04-10-09, 10:24 pm | Rate: 3 | Report

To my understanding, Simon Campbell works in the same field as me. That being said, he would be paid a percentage of his profits each year if he is backed by someone. If his account is flat, he is paid nothing. How could he possibly be "overpaid," RK?

RK, 04-11-09, 8:12 am | Rate: -3 | Report

pajmf - that's my question - he is so willing to claim others are overpaid - but refuses to allow us to compare with his salary. You also have not answered the question what is his salary?

You claim if his accout is flat he gets paid nothing, noone live on nothing.

That's like saying a real estate agent makes nothing if they don't sell a house. But if they sell a million dollar house they make $$50,000 - $60,000. So all they have to do is sell one house a year to make a living

Don't call others overpaid if you are not willing to support that claim by posting your own salary.

Rebecca , 04-11-09, 8:34 am | Rate: 3 | Report

Every candidate for school board must declare their sources of income for the prior year on a "Statement of Financial Interests" form filed with the district. You can request a copy by filling out a "Right to Know" request form from their website. It will reveal sources of income but not the numbers.
The salaries of public employees are public knowledge because they are paid by the taxpayer. School Board employees make earn no salary from the position.

eortho, 04-11-09, 9:25 am | Rate: 2 | Report

The only way to really make the moolah is to take a risk. That's the nature of the free market. Those on fixed incomes can, over time, properly invest and grow their incomes wildly. There was a story about 10 years or so ago of a teacher who made something like $18,000 a year and willed over a million dollars to his library. My guess is that he lived well within his means for a long time.
I'm in sales and took a 75% pay cut last year all the while still paying my $12,000 a year+ insurance premiums/fees. So, I dug very deeply, found a solution that serves my customers better and am well on my way to recovery. I'm one of the lucky ones. It was by no means easy, but it's a new world now where efficiency and performanc are the priorities.
Personally, I'm madly in love with Pennsbury. The teachers a GREAT, but it's a new world requiring new solutions. The posters above are union devotees who would sell their mother's souls for their goose-stepping orders and history is littered with them. Shame on you and thank you everyone else. If it's about money for you then get a different career. You'll be doing us and yourself****rea t service.

omega1, 04-11-09, 11:16 am | Rate: 3 | Report

Bobby is so naive as to the workings of the economic world. He only knows that he works for an hourly wage from his employer and a strippend from his union as an organizer. He has no clue as to the way people earn their living by their own wits, i.e. sales, commissions and OMG by investing their own money into a business and living on the profits there of.... if you earn more than the Bobbies of the world, that makes you evil..

Class envy all the way... that's the liberal and socialist scheme of life.

RK, 04-11-09, 12:23 pm | Rate: -2 | Report

omega - teachers make more then me - but as opposed to you I believe they are deserving of every dollar they make.

I do not begrudge anyone for earning their salary.

But unlike you, I support the worker, and not the person who gets rich by what the worker does.

RK, 04-11-09, 12:34 pm | Rate: -2 | Report

Omega here is your reality, while you argue over a few crumbs that teachers and most workers want.

CEO - who for the most part are paid on the backs of everyday workers

Rebecca states on her web site teachers salaries and benefits must be brought in line with reality. Who's reality? The reality in her own mind?

eortho, 04-11-09, 12:47 pm | Rate: 3 | Report

The one who gets rich is the one who creates jobs for the everyday workers like myself. There's dirtballs everywhere, but (in most cases) the one who gets rich does so on the merits of doing it right (which has at its core doing right by the everyday workers). That's the free market that some begrudge. Limited thinking in all its glory - infringing on the rich which will, in turn, limit opportunities for the worker (and turn the economy in the wrong direction).

Rebecca , 04-11-09, 1:29 pm | Rate: 3 | Report

RK, You must be a product of these schools. Do you mean "whose reality?"
We can't continue to spend more than we make in this country or we will no longer own anything.
Teachers in this area make in the top percentages in the state and even the nation. I don't hear that disputed by any of you.
Reality: It is obvious that the district can no longer support this as they are having budget hearings to discuss cuts this year.
The pension numbers have been released. Do you dispute those? What is your reality of how we are going to fund the budget and the pensions? People will be leaving the area and more revenue will fall.
The health dept and dept of education should be citing them already. If enough parents complain or there is a major outbreak they will.
This is getting off the subject of money which is all some care about but at the February school board meeting
the CEO said there was concern about the safety of the high school pool discussed at a facilities meeting a year ago, tile integrity, chlorination and structural soundness of the concrete. He used this to push through a $10K feasibility study in case they got stimulus money to build a new facility. He was not even sure this feasibility study would answer the safety questions. And the board of sheep said "Baaa, I mean Aye."
I am reminded of the 12 year old bus that had a throttle problem in 1994 and yet still in service and ran down a group of kids causing one to lose her leg.
I have posted a few of the documents and will add more:

PoorPennsbury, 04-11-09, 1:42 pm | Rate: -2 | Report

We all recognize through these blogs that Simon is just looking for a wall to hang his rhetoric on, and boy is it a heavy sign. Look out Pennsbury, for some reason still unkown to me, Simon has marked your school district like a con man marks a sucker. And Rebecca? Please, please Pennsbury teachers, parents and community; please tell me you are as amused by her as the rest of us. I think it is extremely commical that she is running - almost three stooges-ish. Here is a question I have for Simon - Why did the senior crumple up the five dollar bill? Couldn't they have just folded it into the letter? Wouldn't the letter itself have to be crumpled as well in order to surround the crumpled five dollar bill? Why would she waste the $5 if her money is so tight - maybe she could have e-mailed or sent a letter. Simon, you are running because a senior gave you a letter with a crumpled five dollar bill in it? Will you latch you bull onto a different district if someone crumples up $6 into a letter? These are questions you should be asking. Also, Rebecca, I like to read you posts. They are funny. they make my belly feel happy.

Rebecca , 04-11-09, 2:24 pm | Rate: 3 | Report

Well, after all it is all about you.
By the way, how happy can one be without a soul?
Happy Easter.

RK, 04-11-09, 3:13 pm | Rate: -2 | Report

"People will be leaving the area and more revenue will fall." This is the quote I like the best from Rebecca.

After repeated requests, we still hope you are the first to leave.

Reality Check, 04-11-09, 4:16 pm | Rate: 3 | Report

What reality? Whose reality?
A starting teacher’s salary in Pennsbury is as follows: Bachelor's degree + 0 credits, no prior experience $45,176. Medical and Hospitalization ; dental insurance, Prescription Drug coverage; Life Insurance; Tuition Reimbursement; Vision Reimbursement, PSERS Retirement; Quantum Employee Assistance Program.
Optional Benefits paid by employee include: Long-term Disability Insurance; Tax Sheltered Annuity Programs; Dependent Care Flexible Spending (Section 125) Plan

pajmf, 04-11-09, 9:36 pm | Rate: 3 | Report

If Simon's compensation deal works like mine, it is a deal HE negotiated with a backer. If he doesn't like it, he is free to leave. If he "strikes," he will no longer be able to trade that backer's money. Given these circumstances, how could he ever be "overpaid" ? It is a clear example of merit pay!

RK, 04-11-09, 11:02 pm | Rate: -2 | Report

Reality - what is the average starting salary of a person with a Bachelor's degree.

HENRY, 04-12-09, 2:20 pm | Rate: -2 | Report

If Pennsbury Teachers were actually paid for their worth (Merit Pay), local taxes would go through the roof.

eortho, 04-12-09, 3:32 pm | Rate: 2 | Report

I don't know about that. A good friend's (from another country) daughter is 15 and speaks/writes 4 languages fluently (which is SOP there). Very pleased with Pennsbury, but we could do a lot better; and eventually will, but the union has to go. There's NO other way.

RK, 04-12-09, 5:22 pm | Rate: -2 | Report

With the esception of Rebecca most people are satisfied with Pennsbury.

So what does that have to do with the Union. You don't like them so they must go. Guess what, there not here for you

Rebecca , 04-12-09, 8:37 pm | Rate: 2 | Report

I don't know anyone who is satisfied with Pennsbury. I know some busy parents who have no clue and some who have given up trying to do anything because it got them nowhere or made things worse. I know a few young PTO moms who seem to be in denial and trust the administration who they should be able to trust. At least I hope that is the case and they don't just care more about their social image and PTO position than they do their kids.

eortho, 04-12-09, 9:33 pm | Rate: 3 | Report

My child's teacher is a 10+ out of 10. Many teachers are OUTSTANDING, but the system has gotten out of hand and needs to be radically changed. "Reform" may be the wrong word. "Restore" might be better.

Reality Check, 04-12-09, 11:25 pm | Rate: 2 | Report


I doubt there is an average starting salary for a BA but for an electrical engineer (BS) the average starting salary is $39,300 to $42,000 without the defined pension plan.

You state …”most people are satisfied with Pennsbury.” It would be hard for most parents to accurately judge if they are satisfied. I always found most parents do not pay attention to what goes on in the classroom or the District after the 5th grade; that is unless it directly affects their child. Most parents are constrained by time or daily responsibilitie s and duties while others are intimidated by the system or afraid to look impractical, inane or just plain stupid. Parents expect the District to do its job in educating their children and do not generally follow through to see it achieved.

Notice how many of the children have IEP’s. It is far easier to classify the student who is having difficulty then to evaluate the teaching staff. It is never the teacher who is having a bad day but it is the student who is being difficult. It is never the teacher who has a problem teaching to a particular learning style; it is the student who can not adapt to the classroom. It is never the teacher who is rude; it is the student who has never been taught manners. It is never the teacher who can not control the classroom; it is the students that are disruptive. I could go on but…

You may feel it helpful to disparage and/or denigrate individuals who care about the District and wish to effect change, I do not. The District is far from perfect and it has been a long, long time since it achieved the Excellence in Education award.

RK, 04-13-09, 6:16 am | Rate: -2 | Report

Without Reality - Anybody can throw number into the wind. Try backing up your statement on starting salary, I beleive you will find your number a little low. Regarding definded - There are still many companies out there that still offer some form of defined retirement plan.

As for the parent's opinion of Pennsbury. It is obvious you are out of touch with the school, and the parents. I do not need to go to a school board meeting to know what the parents are interested in or thinking about the school. That's because the parent's who take the time to be involved in their kids education are not at the school board meeting.

Any parent who does not stay involved in their kids eduication past 5th grade is a problem just as much as the child they are not raising. It is a joke that people such as you blame a teacher when the student does not want to learn or sleeps in class.

You claim that you do not disparage or denigrate individuals. But that is exactly what you have done in your last post. You blame the teachers of Pennsbury. Who do a wonderful job.

and are deserving of every benefit they recieve.

DaveH, 04-13-09, 7:59 am | Rate: 1 | Report

I'm having a tough time getting my head around the stated "fact" that Russia is a third-world country. I wonder if Putin is aware of this. Shouldn't this be on the news?

Reality Check, 04-13-09, 10:21 am | Rate: 1 | Report

For the record I find Board meeting to be a joke; Board member reads a pre-written motion, Board votes. Board discussion is limited to attempting to make them and the administration look good and public comment is a joke. It is classic PSBA 101.

You asked the question concerning starting salaries, I posted a response. I suggest you search the web and help wanted adds if you do not like my answer.

Sorry to say the way parents and the Union view the District is the same now as it was 10, 15 or 20 years ago. The only things that have changed in that time period are the names of the Board Members, the names of the Union leaders and the amount of taxes we all pay.

Never once did I make a comment about students sleeping in class or not wanting to learn I spoke of IEP’s, learning styles and classroom management. Like any good liberal you attempt to manipulate my statements to fit your reality. When I point to flaws in the system you claim I attack ALL teachers rather then look at the problems.

Not all teachers in Pennsbury are good, not all are bad and not all are marginal. Teachers come in all types as do parents, taxpayers and children. I am certain you feel ALL Pennsbury teachers …” are deserving of every benefit they receive.” So I will ask you again what salary step are you on?