Countdown to April 29 to PERMANENTLY close M. R. Reiter. Ask the board to see the 6 point plan.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Mayoral Discussion?

Thanks to the emailer who sent this.

The Grandview Greats deserve a big round of applause, along with their teachers, coaches, and parents.

We can talk about the mayoral and borough council races. They are as important as the school board elections.

We had a visit from candidate Graeme Thomson earlier but I think we scared him off. His message did leave some items out for open discussion.

This might be a good time to mention that I will post in its entirety, anything any announced candidate for mayor, council, or school board, would care to provide.

Scanned copies of campaign literature dropped off at your doorstep are also welcomed.

I will not claim to post without comment. I know some of the readership would probably comment also.

Two things:
Reading Olympics
The fourth and fifth graders won a blue ribbon at the annual Reading Olympics held at Bensalem High School in April. There were over 100 schools represented. Not only did the Morrisville team (Grandview Greats) win a blue ribbon, they scored 60 points - only a handful of schools earned sixty or over. I was there. One of the moderators complimented our kids for their behavior and courtesy. They were so impressive. Worked so well together, all participated, they were respectful and considerate, applauded the other teams, etc. They worked all year preparing for this event, just like any other sports team preparing for a tournament.
These 13 kids are our future high schoolers! We can't let them down!

Mayoral Candidates
Will we be discussing the candidates on this blog?


Di said...

I am very proud to say my son was one of the 13!

Mayoral Candidates - I spoke to Rita Ledger yesterday and like before she promised to take care of my problems or at least look into it.
I wonder if the "other" school board member candidates with seek me out to ask my opinion. Yeah I thought not, after all I do have two kids in the school! Where's the incentive there?????????I am always open to listen to other opinions, but what I witnessed at the school board meeting the other night put me OFF COMPLETELY! It's really a shame that some want to win the prize for themselves, rather then see a future for the kids of Morrisville.

Jon said...

Graeme Thomson was out campaigning on my street Saturday. He left a flyer. It's very similar in content to his earlier blog posting - I love QSRE, I'm proud to be their free printing service, we need to keep the ciggie shops humming, etc.

I shook his hand and wished him luck. This does not imply that I'm voting for him.

Maybe I was more interested in yardwork than him, or the fact that he had his young nephew with him, but it didn't occur to me to ask him about his role in the QSRE Bath School Bombing posting until he was gone.

He claimed to disagree with Hellmann on not investing in Morrisville. That's good, but his overall vision ain't impressing me. And sometimes people just tell you what they think you want to hear....

Peter said...

To the Candidates:

I, personally, know very little about you and what you stand for. If you have been reading this blog then you probably know where I stand on most issues. At this point I am undecided on how to vote on most positions. I suspect there are others out there like me and therefore 20 minutes spent writing on the blog will cover a lot more ground (people) than 20 minutes of going door-to-door.

Even if we might disagree, I am open minded and am looking for a good reason to vote for someone. Would love to hear from the candidates, especially mayoral.


Peter said...