Countdown to April 29 to PERMANENTLY close M. R. Reiter. Ask the board to see the 6 point plan.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Neshaminy Opinions

From the BCCT.

New learning experience: Fire striking teachers

I would like to take the opportunity to congratulate the Neshaminy District Teachers and Neshaminy teachers union for giving their students another valuable learning opportunity, i.e., that greed and self enrichment are worthy goals.

The recent Page 1 story made me more convinced that the teachers and their union are not aware of or do not care about the realities of the economic conditions that are affecting the lives of the people who are paying their salaries. If they are unaware, they do not deserve to be teaching; if they are unconcerned, they do not deserve to be influencing our children.

I work for a company that recently announced that 7,000 positions will be eliminated and merit increases will not be offered during 2009. Now, I wait to hear whether I will remain employed, and consequently be able to pay my mortgage and property taxes. I imagine that many other taxpayers in the Neshaminy School District are facing similar worries.

The union is demanding a scandalously large increase in salaries and is rejecting any reasonable proposal that teachers pay anything similar to the amount that the average taxpayer pays toward health insurance coverage. The union president says she will work with the district and the members, but not the media. In other words, she and the teachers will not allow the taxpayers to be a part of the process.

I urge the Neshaminy school board to tender a final offer: no increase in salary; and pay the state average of what taxpayers pay for health insurance. If the teachers go on strike, fire them all and put in people who are smart enough to understand that they are replaceable.

Wouldn’t that be an interesting learning experience for students?

Jack Bracken Middletown


Hard to believe
Bucks County Courier Times

Regarding the front page article, "Neshaminy teachers reject latest contract offer." First, let me preface this by saying that I have great respect for the teaching profession. However, it's hard to believe that the teachers are not willing to pay a percentage of their salaries toward health insurance and prescription coverage when everyone else pays a significant portion of their salary for coverage.

I stand to be corrected; everyone except the millions of people who have lost their jobs and are without coverage because they can't afford it. I am sure these people would be eager to pay for insurance if they had a job.

Shame on the Neshaminy teachers and double shame on the union that represents them. Too bad they can't be pink-slipped like the rest of the world.

Alberta Cherry

Newtown Township


Make do with less
Bucks County Courier Times

We're hearing that tired song again. The school teachers and the public servants have both invested their pensions on the stock market + and took a big hit. Now they're calling for tax hikes to make up for the losses.

Where are "we the people" going to come up with the money? We don't have money trees growing in our backyards. People everywhere are losing jobs, insurance coverage, pensions, or they are seeing their pay cut. As for investments and pensions, all of us are taking a big hit there too, in 401(k)s and other investments. We can't vote ourselves a raise, so we have to tighten our belts and make do with less.

It's well past time that the public employees and the school teachers come to terms with the fact that the world has changed. They, too, are going to have to make do with less, just like everybody else.

Face up to it, people! The days of champagne and prime rib are over. You're going to have to learn how to make do with pizza and beer, just like the rest of us.

Thomas Pallanta Jr.


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