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Monday, March 9, 2009

More Band Fallout

From the BCCT.

I notice that the newspaper has apologized at least twice now, but not the letter writer.

Derogatory comment
Bucks County Courier Times

I am appalled at the Guest Opinion by Gloria DelVecchio and cannot believe that your paper would print something so derogatory for the children of Morrisville's band to read. It is one thing for Mrs. DelVecchio to be angry with the people in Morrisville and Pennsbury; but to attack innocent children who put many long hours into practicing and gather great pleasure in playing in the band, was uncalled for.

The children of Morrisville are Morrisville's future, a future that I am very worried about. If people keep attacking our children, they will never come back and give to a community where they were treated like outcasts. We have great children in our community. I know this from all the time I spend with them. They have so much to offer and people like Mrs. DelVecchio need to spend more time with them to understand that.

As for the performance she watched on Morrisville's educational channel, it was a rebroadcast of an event that took place outside on an evening in June. We all know that sound quality of the educational channel is not all that great.

If Mrs. DelVecchio took the time to attend one of our concerts, she would see and hear what wonderful children our town is privileged to have. No one has ever walked away disappointed after one of our children's performances.

Before someone puts our children down, they should take the time to see a live performance. That way they can write an informed article. Mrs. DelVecchio and the Bucks County Courier Times owe the children of Morrisville's band an apology.

Donna Wilson

Editor’s note: We cannot speak for Mrs. DelVecchio but believe her sleight was unintentional, as her point was that Morrisville children would have greater opportunities at Pennsbury High School. In retrospect, however, her comments should have been softened. We regret that students might have been hurt.


Jon said...

I disagree with the Editor. I believe that not only was Gloria DelVecchio's "sleight" ("deceitful craftiness" - from Merriam-Webster On-Line Dictionary) intentional, her "slight" ("humiliating discourtesy" - from Merriam-Webster On-Line Dictionary) was too.

I won't hold my breath waiting for DelVecchio's apology/retraction letter.

Ken said...

As for "Morrisville children (having) greater opportunities at Pennsbury High School" I would suggest that the percentage of students now in the Morrisville band making the audition cuts in Pennsbury would be less than 100% (though hopefully in the 80%+ range).

That, to me, indicates Morrisville children recieving lesser opportunities, not greater.

Dare I say that this holds true for sports students as well, where Pennsbury already fields a team 5-6 times greater than the field's capacity and that many must bench the entire season.

Greater opportunities? In your opinion!