Countdown to April 29 to PERMANENTLY close M. R. Reiter. Ask the board to see the 6 point plan.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

And More Band Fallout

From the BCCT.

Another letter about the poorly phrased opinion piece condemning the band.

Yes, the BCCT has apologized for their lack of foresight and editing skills. It is not a mystery how that appeared in the paper. We know that it's good press policy to get the back and forth going with each side lining up to fire another volley of verbiage and then purchase the newspaper to see the results each day. Another day, another volley. It keeps circulation up.

Maybe, as was pointed out, the original writer did make a real hash of her point, that Pennsbury is the shining city on the hill, a beacon pointing to educational Nirvana, while Morrisville (always said with that slightly condescending twist and tone of voice), just doesn't have what it takes.

I can read the newspapers too. There's lots of people in Pennsbury who see the warts over there, as well as the good. There's good and bad in Morrisville too. Why do so many people persist in the very un-original mantra chant of Pennsbury good, Morrisville bad? Because it's easy and cheap. Aren't you tired of so many people mindlessly bashing Morrisville because it's become part of their daily day: Get up, shower, drink coffee, bash Morrisville, go to work...?

It's because right here at home, perversely, that the negative Morrisvillains dominate the political landscape. School board members who want to close the schools. Council members who want to shut the town.

If you like what you see everyday in the newspapers, then vote for the same old people with the same old ways of running things. If you want a change, then be the change and come out and vote.

And if you want Guy to do a better job of editing next time:

Misguided argument
Bucks County Courier Times
Editor’s note: An apology has been offered.

Once again, the students of Morrisville High were the easy target of a misguided argument, when a recent guest opinion compared a live concert to a televised graduation. Though the author's points may resonate to some, she insulted the many hard-working souls of the Morrisville music program.

An apology should be offered to the students of Morrisville High School, who have felt enough negativity over the last few years, despite increasing test scores and an award-winning band.

Ken Kelman

West Philadelphia

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