Countdown to April 29 to PERMANENTLY close M. R. Reiter. Ask the board to see the 6 point plan.

Friday, February 20, 2009


Thanks to the emailer for this reminder.

………don’t forget uniforms…..Marlys and Brenda will be bringing that subject up again at the meeting next week. My kids will be eating lunch as soon as they get to school, but HELL they will be fashionable. Will this stop Marlys from taking pictures????



Jon said...

Scientific studies performed by friends of acquaintences of my relatives have determined that school uniforms attempt to eliminate the class divisions that the Morrisville board majority promote, and promote the kind of school pride that the board majority doesn't have.

Jon said...

Aside from what the children wear, where are we supposed to drop them off on Monday morning? The High School? The trailers? The pool? The pond? I thought Monday, Feb. 23 was "trailer day". Haven't heard anything though. Whatdadillio?

Peter said...

If they make my kids wear uniforms, I expect to see the administration and school board wearing school colors at all school functions, including monthly business meetings.

Jon said...

Ah, yesterday's student folders had letters from Laurie Ruffing and George Mount. Ms. Ruffing's letter said classes in the trailers are expected to start towards the end of the next week, drop your children off at the Middle-High School on Monday, Feb. 23, expect a letter mid-next week with firm trailer start dates.

Mr. Mount's letter was about Grandview Ave. becoming ONE-WAY Northbound between Barnsley and Melvin starting Monday Feb. 23 for a 90 day trial period, maybe longer.