Countdown to April 29 to PERMANENTLY close M. R. Reiter. Ask the board to see the 6 point plan.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

MHS Closed for Asbestos

Thanks to all the emailers with this breaking information.

From the school website.

That's two down. How is Grandview doing these days?

February 10, 2009

The Morrisville Middle/Senior High School has been closed as of 12:15 pm today, February 10, 2009. The Middle/Senior High School will remain closed on Wednesday due to an environmental situation. The district has an electrical contractor performing work in the evening as not to disturb the educational process. They reported to us this morning that suspected asbestos containing materials were impacted during their work. As a result, the district contacted our environmental consultant. Samples were taken immediately. The samples were sent to a nationally accredited laboratory and results were received at 11:15 am. Accordingly, we are dismissing the students. Subsequent to the students’ release, air and surface sampling will be performed to determine what, if any, impact may have occurred within specific areas of the school. When we receive the results I will again do a phone blast to give you an update. However, the students who attend the Morrisville Middle/Senior High School will not have school tomorrow, February 11, 2009.


Anonymous said...

Just saw the Channel 6 van roll down Palmer St. Guess where they are headed??

Jon said...

I think Al Radosti said it best almost 2 years ago, at the April 11, 2007 board meeting.

Mr. Radosti – Because of the simple fact that you were in such a hurry to pursue this... If you talk about a safe building, the
school district is no different than anyone else who wants to build a building or a home in
Morrisville. For some unknown reason the architects do not address everything. This has been since the beginning. Everything has been a rush. All this does is spend more taxpayer money because they don’t want to comply with what is required of them to do.

Jon said...

Or maybe it was when he said at the same April 11, 2007 meeting.....

Mr. Radosti – In 1976 this building was flooded up to this room. There is a water problem in the back. You want to build a complete safe school, that is your goal. If you’re trying to bypass any ordinance or anything that is going to improve the surrounding water table in the back field – these problems are major problems – you don’t need an attorney when you have an architect and the Borough’s own architect correcting these problems. That’s what is holding everything up – to make sure you are putting up a safe school. Why would I want to spend another $20,000 for this attorney to make sure this building is a safe building? The other issue is with radon. They didn’t even bother to check it until I brought it to their attention. If you are for “the welfare of the children,” then you had better put them in a safe building.

Jon said...

By the way, what have Al and his board allies done since they took power in December 2007 to address the flooding, water table, and radon problems? Nothing, you say? Or did these problems just go away? Funny, Al didn't mention the "asbestos problem" then.

On this we can agree, though:

"If you are for 'the welfare of the children,' then you had better put them in a safe building."

Now stop talking about it and do it! Problem is, I and many others don't think you can. We have no confidence in you, Bill Hellmann, Marlys Mihok, Bill Farrell, Brenda Worob, and Jack Buckman to do anything properly. You've proven this time and time again since you took the reins in December 2007.