Countdown to April 29 to PERMANENTLY close M. R. Reiter. Ask the board to see the 6 point plan.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Saturday Afternoon in Morrisville

I hate shopping during weekend daytimes. I especially hate shopping during the holiday season. Shopping during holiday weekend days tops the scale of retail thou shall-nots for me.

However, a nice sunny holiday shopping weekend brings out a lot of your neighbors, and a lot of meeting and greeting gets done. It's amazing what you find out. For example:

1) The school district is required to have a strategic plan created every six years, and there was a meeting for it this past Tuesday evening. A lot of school administration members and community members were there, including former PSP members Johanny Manning and Greta O'Keefe; current PSP member Joe Kemp; and current NSN member Robin Reithmeyer. Kudos and thumbs up to all of them. No matter what your thoughts on the schools, if you're out there fighting the fight, it shows your level of commitment. A pending thumbs down to current NSN member Marlys Mihok who was a no-show. Life can intrude and we hope that Marlys is safe and well, but if she just blew it off because she's on the buildings committee and she might find out something that was against her NSN leanings, well, let's let the voters decide.

2) Grandview was closed Wednesday because of a water main break and the high school was closed Thursday for a gas leak. Thank God the buildings are safe and we don't need this building project. Kudos to the Big Guy Upstairs for an awesome sense of humor and timing. First week in power for the NSNs and the walls are tumbling down. **Attention K-Mart shoppers! Cleanup of egg on face for seven!**

3) Less connected to the schools directly, is a rather astounding piece of news I picked up...the Democrats are retaliating against any Democrats who supported the Community Party candidates. A comment in a previous post alluded to this, but this is confirmed. So the "Stop The School" candidates who proudly crowed their lack of partisan labels are dusting off those labels again.

Who are the Stop the School Platform?

Six like minded individuals who will work for affordable school taxes to finance a quality education for our children. We are young and old, 3 Republicans and 3 Democrats, 3 men and 3 women, representing all 4 wards, hard working residents, with and without children, who all share a passion that our students excel.

People registered as Independent can only vote in the Primary Election on Questions, they cannot vote for individual candidates. You may change your affiliation to either the Democratic or Republican Party so you can help choose who will run for School Board or any elected position.
You can easily change back to Independent, if you so choose. Forms can be gotten at the Morrisville Library, or call 215 295-2900 and a form will be delivered to you.

So when we want and need your vote, your party affiliation is a liquid thing that is rather meaningless and we won't scrutinize things too much. But that we are "In Power!", it is time to purge the tepid, the weak, and the non-true-believers from our ranks! Begone! And pay your dues before you leave..billboards like the one we had are REALLY expensive.

4) A big, big, big thumbs down to Bill Hellmann, CPA, newly elected President of the Morrisville Board of School Directors. He saw that both Ed Frankenfield and Joe Kemp were overworked from the past few years on the board and needed a rest from all that committee type work. Shutting off dissent is a rather poor first impression to make, Billy-Boy. I'm going to have to rate you "needs improvement" on "works and plays well with others" and we will have to have to set up a conference with your mother.

Maybe it IS time to have a few interested citizens attend these meetings. Could you imagine some PSP type fighting and complaining like Bill Hellmann, CPA and board CANDIDATE used to? Love the way that Karma wheel turns and turns...

If any of this is inaccurate, let me know and I will set the record straight. All of these items were confirmed multiple times by unconnected persons. There's a lot more that is unconfirmed and I will not post until then.


Jon said...

I can confirm that my wife Ann Perry's hearing is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. this Wed. Dec 12th @ Democratic Headquarters on Court St. in Doylestown (1/2 block from the courthouse). Conveniently, this coincides with the 1st real school board mtg with STS at the helm. Please feel free to come to Doylestown to see democracy inaction.

Ann has been charged by the new Morrisville Democratic Club Pres. Dave Rivella with "misconduct" under the Club's incoherent, contradictory, and partially handwritten by-laws, allegedly for signing petitions for the Community Party Candidates. If convicted(?), she gets booted from the Club for 2 years. The Club is extremely prestigious, and composed of some of the most honorable people in town, so this would be a major disappointment.

Man, it's a good thing registered Democrats Marlys Mihok, Bill Farrell, and Robin Reithmeyer didn't sign any of the petitions for registered Republicans Al Radosti, Gloria Heater, and Bill Hellmann CPA. Oh wait, they did......

And it's a good thing the Democratic Club is going after these traitors. After all, they cost the Stop the School candidates the election. Oh wait, they won.....

But why have your nutty initiatives pass 20-3 when you can pass them 20-0. Uncle Joe (Stalin) would be proud!

Peter said...

I'm curious how the Democrat Club can hold such a position when the D ticket was EXACTLY the same as the R ticket? Let's say Anne was pro-Community nominees in order to defeat Republicans Radosti, Heater and Hellmann CPA. Then what? She was supposed to campaign and vote for these R's simply because they were on the D ballot? It's an At-Large seat for cripes sake.

Please tell Anne that if they kick her out that she needs to take the others down with her.

Anonymous said...

As of Friday night, when requesting the Board Secretary's resignation (untendered, thank you), Mr. Hellmann invited Mr. Kemp to join any committee he wishes to join. Previously, it was stated that an email had gone out to Mssrs. Kemp and Frankenfield regarding the committees. No evidence of said email was found. And I guess I'll stop referring to myself in the third person.

Cori said...

I've been confused as to why the Democratic Club endorsed a candidate and put up a sign with her picture (Robin) when she was running with Republicans. A few years ago, when a member of Borough Council ran with a Republican in the 1st ward, she was asked to leave the club because she was running with a Republican. I'm constantly amazed to see how the rules apply to some people in this Borough yet don't apply to others.

Save The School said...

You know, this is an interesting issue that Cori raises. Just take that billboard for a moment. Should all of the council and school board candidates who were prominently displayed on there relinquish the votes gained on the Democratic ticket because they were endorsing the Republicans as well? By Robin Reithmeyer endorsing the STS candidates as a bipartisan Republican-Democratic effort, and then the three council candidates endorsing her, they all endorsed the Republicans. They should all be drummed out as Democrats. Maybe when pigs, er, donkeys, fly.

Cori said...

I have no problem with Democrats voting and/or endorsing Republicans. (My husband may kill me for saying that). I would hope that we all vote for who we believe is the best candidate. My problem is that Ann Perry is being charged with "misconduct" by the club's president. If Ms. Perry is guilty of "misconduct" because she supported independents, then the entire Democrat Club is also guilty of misconduct because it supported Republicans.

Save The School said...

I am extremely tired of voting for the candidates I dislike least and would welcome the opportunity to vote for the ones I want. I'm a longtime ticket splitter including John Anderson for President in 1980.

I'm also equally tired of the hypocrisy of our elected officials. Just like any other human endeavour, there are always grey areas where a little hypocrisy or white lies are needed. This reeks of large scale hypocrisy and leaves the people behind it open to scrutiny about their own conduct.

If Bill Hellmann, CPA, can cut out opponents on the school board, and Dem Pres Rivella can do the same, what happens when YOU oppose THEM on something? Whatever happened to respectful disagreement?

It's the same as the town gossip--you listen to what they say about the neighbor and bask in the insider knowledge until you wonder, what do they say about me?