Countdown to April 29 to PERMANENTLY close M. R. Reiter. Ask the board to see the 6 point plan.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Borough Council Meeting Monday

Maybe they can explain how they allow Reiter to be occupied by students and staff while it it is so unsafe.

Morrisville Council: 7:30 p.m., borough hall, 35 Union St. Agenda: regular business items. 215-295-8181


shadman said...

Now the boiler at M.R. Reiter blew. Apparently with much force last night. What if our children were in the school. This is a MAJOR situation. Now is not the time for pointing blame. The blame lies everywhere. Does anyone in office really care about our kids. Tim was so right for so long. and no one listened. Please unload with the comments and call the courier.

Jon said...

I believe Borough Council's understanding is that Borough Council has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the School Board or the School District, except on those occasions when it chooses to inject itself into School Board or District actions to cover its collective heinie on politically charged issues, in an effort to ingratiate itself with the voting public and preserved its seats at the "table o'power". An example of this is when Borough Council unanimously passed a toothless, purely symbolic resolution, in early 2006 I believe, denouncing the School Board's decision to issue the bonds for the new school.

The Borough's idea of its level of responsibility for acrid, possibly unsafe oil smoke and fumes from a known aged boiler in a known deteriorated building with known deteriorated infrastructure occupied by teachers, administrators, aides, and, oh yes, young children? My guess is zero.