Countdown to April 29 to PERMANENTLY close M. R. Reiter. Ask the board to see the 6 point plan.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Maximum Disruption and Minimal Regard

I've received a few emails suggesting that a school closure is on the horizon in Morrisville, and that the students will be moved to the remaining two schools.

Apparently a rather disruptive personal survey tour was performed last week by the Emperor and Bill Farrell when they personally interrupted every class in session to find out how many teachers they were paying for and how many students were in the class.

Does anyone have any extra info on the Emperor's fact-finding mission they would like to share?

I'm sure that there's an overall plan of strategery out there. Anyone care to publicise it?


Peter said...

"I'm sure that there's an overall plan of strategery out there. Anyone care to publicise it?"

That would require transparency and some amount of truthiness. Oh yeah, it would also require a plan.

Jon said...

I hope they're not thinking about putting elementary students into the Middle-High School. I remember reading an article in the August 22, 2007 Bucks County Courier Times, in which an elected official and spouse of a school board member was quoted as saying.......

“It spells disaster,” Councilman Stephen Worob said of having young schoolchildren walking and teenage students driving to the same school.

How could it spell disaster then and be a good idea now? I mean, other than total baldfaced hypocrisy, and making inflammatory fear-based statements to achieve your political ends?

Jon said...

Some oldies but goodies from 2006 board meetings.

March 29, 2006 board meeting:

William Farrell, N. Penna. Ave.
...He explained that the hostile environment at meetings is created by not answering questions. Mr. Farrell doesn’t have a problem spending money for special needs students.

April 26, 2006 board meeting:

Paul Pastor, Prospect Ave.
Do you perceive an issue of gang activity in Morrisville? If so, are you concerned K-12 student being subject to gang activity? Consider younger students being surrounded by older students on the new campus...

Bill Farrell, 347 N. Penna. Ave.
...Intimidation & hostile environment – speakers have received looks from the Board. Didn't like that Dr. Gibson said he was judgmental. Supports special needs programs.

Jack Buckman
...K-12 campus is unsafe for younger students. You should be thinking of using current structures and maybe tearing down some of high school.

May 24, 2006 board meeting:

B. J. Meurer, 558 Melvin
...I don’t have a problem
with building a new school – but with putting a 5 year old in the same school as an 18 year old.

June 21, 2006 board meeting:

Sharon Hughes
...It is not a good idea to build a school where we have gang members in the same building with children.

September 27, 2006 board meeting:

Sharon Hughes, 121 Mercer
Can not keep different age children apart in one building.

October 10, 2006 board meeting:

Ron Stout
Regarding furlough – what happens if we privatize schools or go to vouchers. Mr. Levin stated that under the law this is not permitted.

November 15, 2006 board meeting:

David Rivella, 115 Grandview
Mr. Rivella is against the new school. He has problems with all age groups in the same facility.

Jon said...

Feb. 28, 2007 board meeting:

Mr. Radosti
Half the time your executive sessions are a lot of baloney. You chose what to do before we are even invited. There seems to be a channel of communication between a certain few. You have people that weren’t even elected and you are running a dictatorship. We don’t have any say because you have one thing in mind – to do whatever you feel like doing without even listening to other people. I don’t want to hear anymore about why I don’t attend executive sessions; it is a waste of my time.

Mrs. O’Keefe to Mr. Radosti
Come election time, if your majority gets elected, what are you going to do when you find out there is no merger, when you find out there are no vouchers, when you can’t farm out the children and the buildings are falling down? What is your platform? By law you have to provide an education.

March 28, 2007 board meeting:

Herbert Brooks, Oak St.
The residents of this community have been pitifully, shamefully, blazingly, brutally raped and nobody cares but the people that may in all probability lose their homes because of 6 people. Six people have raped this community. May 15th is the time to let these people know what you think. We are better than all of you put together. Urge your neighbors to vote.

April 11, 2007 board meeting:

Mr. Radosti – In 1976 this building was flooded up to this room. There is a water problem in the back. You want to build a complete safe school, that is your goal. If you’re trying to bypass any ordinance or anything that is going to improve the surrounding water table in the back field – these problems are major problems – you don’t need an attorney when you have an architect and the Borough’s own architect correcting these problems. That’s what is holding everything up – to make sure you are putting up a safe school. Why would I want to spend another $20,000 for this attorney to make sure this building is a safe building? The other issue is with radon. They didn’t even bother to check it until I brought it to their attention. If you are for “the welfare of the children,” then you had better put them in a safe building.

May 23, 2007 board meeting:

Sharon Hughes
The voters voted against the new school. We don’t want little children in a building with old children. It’s not safe; they are intimidating.

June 20, 2007 board meeting:

Sharon Hughes
An Architect is a salesman first and Mr. Bink has proven he is a very good salesman.

Mr. Radosti – This building (the new school) is supposed to be so nice; however, we are putting it in the back where nobody can see it. We’re putting an 8’ fence out front with a 25’x8’ retention basin. What happens if somebody comes down the road and goes into that – who is liable?

July 30, 2007 board meeting:

David Rivella, 115 Grandview
Part of my Borough Council campaign was to communicate with the people in my ward. Concerns are higher taxes, 5 year old to 18 year olds in same building, and problems in the schools such as gangs and theft. Most people are not comfortable with the 5 and 18 year olds in the same building.

Jeff Johnson, 607 Hillcrest
...In this school there is a lot of potential. I can not understand how it will be harmonious to have 5 year olds with 17 year olds.

Ron Stout, 129 S. Delmorr
You people don’t want to hear what I have to say. It’s not that the people in Morrisville are against a new school. Morrisville can not afford a new school. A verbal disruption occurred and Mr. Stout declared “I’ll throw this microphone at you.” Don’t raise the school; raise the test scores.

Oct. 24, 2007 board meeting:

Sharon Hughes
I’m right in the middle of the stop the school organization. They never talk about closing down the schools.

From Dec. 12, 2007 board meeting:

Ed Bailey, 36 E. Palmer
Where do you go to volunteer as a middle/high school math tutor? I have not had my phone calls returned. At the last school board meeting it seemed that some board members were not paying attention. This appears disrespectful.

Di said...

Wow that is better then the Sunday Comics!

Jon said...

Yeah, and these are real!