Countdown to April 29 to PERMANENTLY close M. R. Reiter. Ask the board to see the 6 point plan.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Special Meeting Reminder: Tomorrow

Don't forget that there is a special meeting being held tomorrow evening, Tuesday, July 15, 2008 to approve engineering resources.

The Emperor is at it again. He has decided what will be done without consulting the much of the board (accomplices only, please!) or the parents and taxpayers. See the Reports from the Facilities Committee post for more details.

"The RFP was for all 3 schools but all vendors presented only for the HS and Grandview. Why? Because, Hellmann said, 'I decided' "

"Lastly (ACTION ALERT), they expect this vote to happen at the meeting on 7/15 even though some of the board members had not yet received copies of the responses. The question you need to be asking yourself -- and the Board -- is why the rush? All of the vendors agreed this project from start to finish will take about 28 weeks. And since the actual construction (the last 6 weeks or so) should be done in the summer (read: it's not happening for this coming school year), then a decision should be made by approx December. So why the rush? Let's get a plan together, discuss it, and THEN take action. It does not have to be voted on in 5 days."

I guess the shocker would be if Marlys Mihok, Angry Al Radosti, Brenda Worob, and Bill Farrell voted AGAINST the Emperor. No dictator is ever out there alone. He needs his minions to feed and stroke his massive ego. I expect Jack Buckman will be a newly empowered and reliable accomplice vote (ergo, his selection). What about Gloria Heater?

The final question is the same one: WHAT'S THE PLAN? (Shout out to the late Ed Frankenfield.)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Special Board Meeting
The Board of School Directors of the Morrisville School District will hold a Special Meeting for the purpose of approving engineering services on July 15, 2008 at 7:00 pm in the LGI Room of the Middle/Senior High School. Marlys Mihok Secretary


Anonymous said...

Wouldn't this be a good time for someone to make a request during public comment.....Perhaps a motion for a certain President to be removed! If he can make up his own rules...why oh why can't I?
(If happy little blue birds know the rest)

Ken said...

"...then a decision should be made by approx December. So why the rush?"

So let's consider this logically. On a time-line basis, there is no apparent need to rush. Are there things boiling under the surface that make pushing this forward imperative to Hellmann?

History is the best teacher, so let us look back at the last board. they had a desire to get something done. They knew time was of the essence, even though public outcry said "Slow Down". They pushed forward instead of taking the time to properly sell their idea. They did this because in just a few scant months the power to make a decision would be out of their hands.

Without commenting on whether their end goal was right or wrong, let us look at the methods. If time had been taken to sell the public on the project, if a strong reasoned argument had been made FOR it, there would be no need to worry about successors dismantling the plan.

Now, consider this current situation and the rush to vote. There is a reasonable amount of time where a strong case can be made FOR this proposed project. But it would seem that there is an underlying fear of it being dismantled and control being taken away from Hellmann.

Could this be a crack? Could this herald a falling off of support. Is it an indication that other head-nodders are beginning to think for themselves. Or is it possible that Hellmann suspects that all of his supporters won't be around to vote "Yea!" in the comming months.

I am anxiously awaiting the answer so that I can see if my hunches are correct.