Countdown to April 29 to PERMANENTLY close M. R. Reiter. Ask the board to see the 6 point plan.

Friday, July 11, 2008

"Pretend this meeting never happened"

It seems that unreality is not limited to the borders of the Morrisville school board's domain.

This article talks about the South Iron Missouri School District, who got in trouble with the way they dealt with religion in the school. That's not quite Morrisville's problem. The paragraphs describing the school board however, are classic Morrisville.

"...And the fact that the school board repeatedly ignored the advice of their own superintendent, their own attorney, the attorneys for the state association of school boards and the attorney for their insurance company (which voided their liability policy as a result, just like in Dover) and refused to change that policy even after being told by all of them that allowing the Gideons to do so was unconstitutional.

And the fact that the school board actually voted to "pretend this meeting never happened" when those attorneys all told them they had to change their policy. It was only a few days before a court hearing on a preliminary injunction that the school board, under advice of Staver's legal group, finally and reluctantly changed their mind and instituted an open forum policy. But they also made it clear that they didn't think there was anything wrong with the old policy."

"Pretend the meeting never took place!" I can only imagine who might make that motion.

Staver Lies About Court Case

Category: Politics
Posted on: July 10, 2008 9:16 AM, by Ed Brayton

And the odds of that were about, oh, 1 to 1. In this article at OneNewsNow, Matt Staver, head of Liberty Counsel and Falwell's law school, tells more whoppers about the facts and outcome of a case involving the distribution of Gideon bibles in an elementary school in the South Iron School District in Missouri. The lies begin with the headline of the article:

ACLU given 'veto power' over free-speech rights

Not even close. The case didn't even have anything to do with free speech rights, it was an establishment clause case. And this idea of the ACLU having "veto power" is a ridiculous way to spin the ruling (which you can see in full here). And boy is Staver spinning:

The South Iron School District allows off-campus organizations to distribute literature to students before and after school, and during other non-instructional times such as lunch breaks. But the American Civil Liberties Union sued, saying the Gideons should not be allowed to hand out Bibles because of their religious nature. U.S. District Judge Catherine Perry agreed.

True to form, the AFA's news site leaves just a few inconvenient facts out of the story. Like the fact that the suit was filed not against a policy that allows off-campus organizations to distribute literature, but against a policy that allowed only the Gideons to do so, and that further gave the Gideons access to 5th grade classrooms during instructional time, something court after court has struck down as clearly unconstitutional.

And the fact that the school board repeatedly ignored the advice of their own superintendent, their own attorney, the attorneys for the state association of school boards and the attorney for their insurance company (which voided their liability policy as a result, just like in Dover) and refused to change that policy even after being told by all of them that allowing the Gideons to do so was unconstitutional.

And the fact that the school board actually voted to "pretend this meeting never happened" when those attorneys all told them they had to change their policy. It was only a few days before a court hearing on a preliminary injunction that the school board, under advice of Staver's legal group, finally and reluctantly changed their mind and instituted an open forum policy. But they also made it clear that they didn't think there was anything wrong with the old policy.

That's why the judge refused to moot the case based on the voluntary cessation doctrine, because the school board had clearly changed its policy only to get out from under the case. But in doing so, they also made quite clear that their sole objective in the process was to endorse Christianity by preserving some way, any way, for the Gideons to get into the school and hand out bibles.

The judge in this case, citing the Lemon test prohibition on any policy which does not have a clear secular purpose, said:

The undisputed evidence here shows that the District's purpose in passing the new policy was the promotion of Christianity, and therefore it violates the Establishment Clause.

All of this flows directly from the Supreme Court's rulings in Santa Fe and McCreary, where the court analyzed similar situations where the government attempted after the fact to change their policy but left clear evidence of their religious intent behind in the process. There is a case to be made against such reasoning, but a district court is bound to apply the precedents as they are.

"In fact, the federal judge said...the ACLU must be able to have the say-so over whether religious literature can be distributed -- and obviously, if the ACLU has that say-so, no religious literature will ever be distributed," says Matt Staver, founder of Liberty Counsel.

This is a flat out lie, plain and simple. The judge said nothing even close to that. The ruling doesn't give the ACLU "veto power" over anything. The ACLU represented the plaintiffs and the court agreed with the plaintiffs that existing precedent required the conclusion that this policy was unconstitutional. That's it.

But Staver points out that the First Amendment prohibits any "heckler" from having the right to prohibit free speech. "...The ACLU may not like the fact that equal access also means equal treatment for religious speech, but, frankly, the Constitution requires equal treatment," states the attorney. "...Hecklers may heckle all they want to, but they may not veto private religious speech."

I think David Gibbs is going to have a hard time catching Staver in the competition for the title of the nation's loopiest religious right attorney. Arguments like this are simply laughable. If you analyzed this ruling for a con law 1 class in law school and pretended that the case had something to do with the heckler's veto and private speech, the professor would not only flunk you he might also suggest that you make a different career choice.


Peter said...

"...And the fact that the school board repeatedly ignored the advice of their own superintendent, their own attorney, the attorneys for the state association of school boards and the attorney for their insurance company (which voided their liability policy as a result...)"

Huh. Wonder how Morrisville's insurance company would react to some of the board's antics happening here.

"pretend this meeting never happened"

That is spectacular! Can you imagine someone actually making such a motion? It would be interesting to know how the vote on this one went.

Great article. Thanks

Anonymous said...

This is priceless!! Does anyone know who covers liability for Morrisville? Let's send them a link to the blog. That's business language that Hellmann understands.

Anonymous said...

After watching the last school board meeting on TV last night, I have to ask myself several things AGAIN!
1. How is it that Sharon Hughes seems to have more information about the "future", yet has no kids in the school district!
2.Isn't it time for Anger Mangagement classes for Bill and Al. (mind you these are thoughts of someone up til midnight watching in the comfort of my bedroom) I am fully aware of the anxiety felt at school board meetings, but the standing up and yelling and trying to make the others that think differently back is a bit outta hand!
3. How could Bill possibly think that a few board members getting together to discuss school board issues, NOT BE A PROBLEM IF THE DISCUSSION IS NOT DISCUSSED WITH OTHER SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS! But as Mr. Buckman said...At least he is telling you this time that he plans on doing it..Ack I say...
4. I'm also curious if Mr. Miller UNDERSTANDS now, after almost being beat with the gavel?

Peter said...

I would like to pass a motion to pretend that last year's election never happened. Do I have a second?

Jon said...

I noticed Al got angry, got up, picked up his briefcase, and walked away from his post 5-10 minutes before the meeting ended, never to return to his seat.

What's odd about this? Al has a BRIEFCASE! What the heck does he need it for? I don't get the impression he pores over his packet of board materials. Maybe its contents consist of a single note card to remind him to "JUST VOTE THE WAY BILL HELLMANN AND MARLYS DO".

In his mini-tirade, Al complained about a "double standard". He's right, there is a double standard - in his own mind. When the "previous board" (which he Gloria, & Brenda were on, but in the "minority") were accused of doing things in a heavy-handed, less-than-transparent way, people complained about it, and he did too. Now that Al's on the majority side of this board, and when this board does things that way (although in my opinion, many times worse), people complain and suddenly he's being persecuted. What a two-faced angry crybaby! Sit your heiney down and stay at your post!

Anonymous said...

Second! Second!

Anonymous said...

I think Al carries a copy of the "SunShine Laws"...

Jon said...

Does he realize that doesn't mean he should keep them where the Sun- don't-Shine?

Anonymous said...

Peter, you could run for election again and again and again etc etc etc, and still lose. Pretending that something that happened didn't happen is your fantasy and not reality. Take some good hearted advice, get real.

Anonymous said...

She's probably the resident expert on "The Future".

(a)She doesn't work.
(b)Has all the time in the world to study the stars.
(c)Avid follower/believer of the Hellmann show
(d)All of the Above

Anonymous said... can always tell when nerves have been struck....
The name callers come out...
Nanna nanna pooo poooo

Jon said...

(e) Worships Irv Homer?

Damon said...

"4. I'm also curious if Mr. Miller UNDERSTANDS now, after almost being beat with the gavel?"

No, I don't. Why couldn't Mr. Hellmann answer my question? I don't think I asked for anything outrageous, just what does "exploratory purposes" mean and what will Mr. Fitzpatrick be exploring?

Peter said...

"Peter, you could run for election again and again and again etc etc etc, and still lose. Pretending that something that happened didn't happen is your fantasy and not reality. Take some good hearted advice, get real."

It was a joke. I have no delusions that I could win an election in this town. But if the election were to be held again today, with people knowing now what they didn't know then, I bet it would be a whole a lot closer.

Thanks for the advice, though. I'll take my volunteerism elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

Knowing what we know now, my family will vote different.

I voted for Stop The School crew because I believed their campaign promises:

“With your help we pledge:
• to provide a quality education for our children.
• a curriculum that will enable our children to achieve proficiency on the PSSA tests and academic excellence.
• state of the art technology for grades K through 12.
• a financial management plan to assure every possible dollar goes into educational programs and materials and stops waste.
• to STOP the outrageous yearly double digit tax increases.”

I thought the only reason a person would run for the school board would be that the children of Morrisville would be their first priority. From their votes and actions, I know different. However, I believe there is a glimmer of hope when I see Kemp, Farrell and Reithmeyer in action.

Anonymous said...

after Hellmans rant at the last meeting..he said he THOUGHT he was there to keep costs down...and some other blah blah blah that I can't remember...I do remember however that he threw in that they were there to make sure the students got a good education...Whew...I'm so glad he remembered this time to throw that in!

Peter said...

To "anonymous vote", thank you. It is fair and reasonable people like you that will make the difference in the next election. I wish you knew then :-)

To "anonymous Hellmann's rant", you'll be disappointed (but not surprised) to know that he gave the same speech at Wednesday's facilities meeting but this time forgot about the kids. When challenged about this ("what about education?") his explanation was that if we can save money that there would be more money for education. So my questions to Mr Hellmann, et al, is, [1] how does one re-invest in education when the cuts are coming from education (Excuse me, "underfunding"); [2] at what point do the cuts stop and the re-investing begin? You must have a number in mind so please share it.

Anonymous said...


I voted for you last year and I would support you for school board again! As you said a few days ago, we may not have always agreed with one another (although, I have come to better understand, appreciate and agree with most of your positions on the school)but we were able to communicate constructively and without animosity or hard feelings for one another's position. We both found that we did not have to rip each other's throats if we disagreed with each other's ideas. We talked, listened, evaluated and then decided if it made sense. As a community, all our leaders seem to know how to do is "slash and burn", crush each other and take no prisoners in the name of control and power. It's not working.

The responsibility for the governing and building of our community's future by both the school board and borough council has descended to what I consider to be an all-time low. Whatever happened to people with optimism, vision and most of all, leadership skills. Currently, we have very few leaders and mostly retreads from the past. It didn't work with them at the leadership helm then and it certainly is not working now. We do have a small nucleus of elected leaders to build from who are willing to work together, but overall I give most members on both boards a vote of no confidence. I am extremely upset to see what is happening to our borough schools and the lack of business development in our community. As long as we have people who bully, who proclaim to know what is in the best interest of our community, detracting from smart, steady growth, our community will be deprived of a business base and void of well-paying jobs. We will continue to lag behind the rest of the region, sooner or later falling into decay and becoming one large blighted borough; never to recover.

The problem is and has always been simple-It's not the teachers, the administrators, the students, our borough employees or the borough manager. It's the elected officials who were voted to represent the borough and the leadership left in charge to make these things happen! It's our lack of any semblance of a local economy or people with enough horse sense to make it happen. Borough Council has had the ultimate responsibility of generating the opportunities to bring in business and have failed miserably at this task, period! They have scared away most viable opportunities and are too stubborn to accept this responsibility. Without the needed tax base achieved by supporting our current business owners and developing a more vibrant, robust business community, both the borough and its school district will soon not exist.

The residents of Morrisville should evaluate the people who have been elected in these past elections. There are two options: If you are satisfied with the direction in which the borough is going, then simply keep the same people that currently hold leadership roles in place. If you have decided that you have had enough and want to start with some fresh faces and ideas, ones that better represent your vision, then find residents who will better represent your wishes and organize now!

Good luck and Godspeed!
