Countdown to April 29 to PERMANENTLY close M. R. Reiter. Ask the board to see the 6 point plan.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Not a Tony Winning Performance

The BCCT today again recognized that the Emperor is running a one man show. Unlike the folksy Mark Twain of Hal Holbrook, or the spot on Ebenezer Scrooge by Patrick Stewart, the world of William Hellmann, CPA, Emperor of Education, is far less entertaining. It is a dark and sinister place. His penchant for sharp and divisive activity, especially where none was needed, has been played out time after time.

"Let's speed this up." "Vote now." "I'm tired of all this." "Let's move on." "Your time is up." The schools director who is for the taxpayer. Isn't that a rather ironic slice of life? All through literature, we find the story of the guy on the wrong side of things. Through experiences, they find the right side, move over, and there's a happy ending. Not so here.

I do take issue with the use of the word virtuoso in the editorial below. The connotation of that word is rather exemplary, defining someone with exceptional and unique talents. We're all unique. It's what we do that is a moral issue. It is often an innocent progression, which leads unexpectedly to other, possible nasty, uses.

There's still a way out. A reader already suggested a way that the board members themselves can begin to clean up the mess quickly, quietly, and without a monetary cost.

I can't **RECALL** another way to handle this myself...

While I do not think that the Emperor is capital "E" Evil personified (think Hitler and Stalin), his obvious inability to work and play well with others is a small "e" evil that does need to be addressed.

"He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it." - Martin Luther King Jr.

"Evil is nourished and grows by concealment." - Virgil

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke

"When you choose the lesser of two evils, always remember that it is still an evil." - Max Lerner

"Of two evils, choose neither." - Charles Haddon Spurgeon

One-man band
Multiple heads are better than one.

Morrisville school board President William Hellman is very smart and very capable. He thinks big and has lots of ideas.

Problem is he’s a one-man band. Nobody else on the board gets to play along. At least that’s the way it appears.

Thus, a stunning and divisive proposal to simply dissolve the high school and pay for students to be educated in other districts shows up as a formal proposal. No public debate by board members. No input from citizens.

Maybe Hellmann’s plan is the best thing for the struggling district, its overburdened taxpayers and, most importantly, the students. And maybe shutting the borough’s two elementary schools and uniting them at a renovated high school is a great solution, too — another of Hellman’s big ideas.

It’s just that other board members, as elected representatives of the people, and the people themselves, ought to be part of the planning process.

We strongly urge the borough’s virtuoso board president to share the spotlight.


Jon said...

Oh, I get it - reverse psychology. Butter his muffin, and he'll turn into a Mr. Empathic Consensus-Builder, a regular reach-across-the-aisle compromiser. A malice-toward-none charity-for-all Abe Lincoln, CPA. A brilliant stroke of virtuosity in its own right, BCCT!

Spottswoode: Remember, there is no "I" in "Team America".

Intelligence: [pause] Yes, there is.

Peter said...

Anyone notice the public notice in today's Courier? It is a request for bids on HVAC for all three buildings. Huh? Did I miss something? Or is this the post-big-plan-announcement due diligence?

Ken said...

I think the reference of "virtuoso" was meant to connotate a person who, by virtue of their exceptional talent, takes the spotlight and is the main focus of the performance. As in a virtuoso concert violinist, who would stand (when the rest of the orchestra remains sitting) and performs a stunning solo, the other musicians intently listenting, anticipating their entrance.

However, I think the subtlety of that reference is lost on the common reader.

I think a much better term to have been used would be "diva" (or in this case "divo" [Jon, I want no reverences to "Are We Not Men?", "Freedom of Choice" or "Whip It, Whip It Good!"]).

diva(divo) Literally, "goddess" a female opera star of great rank or pretension. Often used to describe a demanding or fussy opera star.

I think that better exemplifies Hellmann's self attitude.

Jon said...

Due diligence is for weak-willed wussies. You gotta just "Steel Your Resolve"TM and forge ahead.

P.S. I meant Mr. Empathetic above, not Mr. Empathic, although he may have big beautiful brown eyes like Counselor Troy. I just haven't gotten that close, and I'm afraid to fall under his seductive spell, the only known antidote to which is a 45 mil tax increase next year.

Save The School said...

Thank you Borows. That was an excellent point! Divo it is.

Jon said...

From Opryland, thought about "prima donna" too. See below. It's spot on until the end and then it all falls apart. "Cannot be done without"? I don't think so.

From Wikipedia:

Originally used in opera companies, "prima donna" is Italian for "first lady". The term was used to designate the leading female singer in the opera company, the person to whom the prime roles would be given. The prima donna was normally, but not necessarily, a soprano. The corresponding term for the male lead (almost always a tenor) is "primo uomo".

Legendarily, these "prima donnas" (prime donne in Italian) were often regarded as egotistical, unreasonable and irritable, with a rather high opinion of themselves not shared by others. Although whether they are truly more vain or more hot-tempered than other singers (or than any other people in the opera houses) is not substantiated, the term often signifies a vain, obnoxious and temperamental person who, although irritating, cannot be done without.

Save The School said...

Divo and prima donna are the candidates. Is there a second? Are there any other candidates?

Ken said...

Well, technically it would be either:

-Primo Uomo

Anonymous said...

How about Autocrat? Fascist? Hegemon? I believe that he doesn't mean to do harm, and he is a true believer in what he's doing, much like another much maligned President of the modern era. This doesn't make it right, but I don't think he's truly sinister. His is not an easy seat, and until you sit in it, you don't really understand the weight that it brings. Much the story of Damocles, it isn't as easy as it looks. I'm not trying to praise him by any means, just trying to understand what motivates him. He really wants to lower taxes, as many agree is needed. We just disagree with the lambs being sacrificed. Insulting him really just lowers us to the level of the other mouth breathers. Don't let a bad situation reduce you to a level you profess to loathe. Continue to offer better solutions, and maybe,....just maybe, someone will listen. Oh, and Jon, there's no U in team either, but there is a me. *Tongue in cheek.* :-)

Jon said...

That's right where I like to keep my tongue, when it's not wagging.

Getting back to Peter's post, does anyone remember a vote to request HVAC bids on all 3 buildings?

Inquiring minds want to know....

Anonymous said...

you forgot my favorite...
Finger pointing comment