Countdown to April 29 to PERMANENTLY close M. R. Reiter. Ask the board to see the 6 point plan.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Business Proposal

Comments, anyone?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Director of Pupil Personnel Services":

I'm sorry "save the school." I don't mean your blog is trash but just some of the comments on it. Yes I'm looking in a mirror and am guilty of occasional trash writing. It's just irritating when people criticize and name call without doing one spec of research. As much as I diaagree with Jon and Borows who may slant things, but they do their homework and I have to respect that. As for you "save the school." You may be on to a brillant thought. We may not agree on everything but business is bsiness and you got the blog and I got the book. How about after it's ready and you've reviewed it and determined that IT IS NOT MORRISVILLE SCHOOL BASHING, you promote the book on your blog and I'll donate a percentage of each book to the Morrisville School District. How bout it?


Anonymous said...


Morris said...

Sorry Anonymous but if this is truely Steve Worob, why not use your name as you sometimes did in the past?
You've apologized in the past as well but to only turn back to the insults and name-calling. I can understand your frustrations by you having something to say/prove and that no one is listening but to now once again apologize (and benefit with free publicity), I'm sorry to say I can't trust you much like I couldn't trust a boy crying wolf repeatedly. Please understand I am not saying you are "crying wolf" but only that you don't have a good track record (yet).
By the way, you have friends now on the school board including your wife (for nearly three years now). Why are you not asking them to investigate the claims you make as you did with the previous board? Ask them publically, or is there nothing there and then you would only have to end up criticizing them (your friends) of not looking out for the taxpayers of Morrisville?
I want to believe you Steve and if what you say is true, then something (if anything) should be done about it. But I also agree with many of the other comments about leaving the past alone and working toward the future. Use your energy to come up with a plan and if you can't, step down and allow someone who does an opportunity to help the community.

Jon said...

I feel pretty much the same as Morris (and Homer). I like the kinder, gentler Steve much better, but unfortunately, he only seems able to sustain this level of civility for a short time. I'll add that I don't trust the board to properly investigate his claims either - their track record isn't too good either, either. But let 'em go ahead and spend taxpayer money on it. Or maybe some of them 'thar Texas Hold 'Em proceeds could get Mr. Sugarman, Esq. on it.

I think the idea and myth of the book holds more power than the book itself. Kind of like the pressure for a Beatles reunion before John Lennon died - if they did reunite for a concert, it probably would have been a letdown. Or if Jim Morrison really was just in Africa. Or if Elvis, who took such good care of himself in the 70's, ....

How's about posting a "teaser" chapter on this blog to demonstrate how close to baked this thing really is?

Anonymous said...

Here is a proposal for about the blame be put on the town's council that approved all the apartment complex's that allow all these Trenton kids in?? Why not make the complex's pay more in taxes but leveeing a special tax on just those types of buildings. Then they will raise their rents high enough to keep the trenton families from affording them. Or make them all 55+ with a stimulation that no one under 18 may live there. Why are plans like this not discussed? Any why is Morrisville so against revitalization? Its a beautiful town, and while I do shop at a few stores along Trenton Rd, I would never touch foot along Bridge St. I wont even drive my children past those stores. The town needs to get a clue. And with a nicer town comes more me, thats why I chose Bristol over Morrisville when chooisng a home in the area.

Jon said...

Those apartment complexes were mostly built in the early-1960's. I don't see any point in blaming boro council members of the 1960's for anything, if they're even still alive. Let's move forward. I'm sure the plans you describe are discussed quite frequently - in certain circles. Personally, I don't care for your references to "Trenton kids" and "Trenton families". That strikes me as wafer thinly-veiled racism. Perhaps you could further clarify what you're trying to describe.

I would venture to guess that it's discriminatory and unconstitutional to suddenly charge certain apartment complexes higher taxes. If they're underassessed that's one thing, but to just arbitarily and capriciously start hitting apt. complexes with higher taxes, that's another thing that'll probably just end up in a wasteful losing court battle.

Morrisville has been trying its own version of an inward-turning "Great Wall of China" approach for a couple decades now. This bunker mentality is working about as well as it worked for China, which in shutting out outside ideas and influence slowly spiraled from a world leader in art (hey, nice silk shirt!), science (shout out to fireworks!), culture (Marco? Polo?), technology (gunpowder?), and other stuff (pasta, anyone?) to a backward nation that other world powers smacked around for hundreds of years (remember the opium dens and the Boxer Rebellion? I don't.). It's only in the last 30 years or so since Mao kicked-out and some "revitalization" efforts kicked-in that things have started turning around there. We could do without the massive environmental degradation of unbridled Chinese-style industrialization, but some low-impact, high-quality development, and greater support of our public education system could do wonders. If only we could give it a chance.

I enjoy an occasional visit to Bristol myself. These 2 towns have a lot in common.

Peter said...

Wow, 'dissed by Bristol.

Oh yeahhh, Bristol?!?! Well, Bristol's mama's so ugly that... that...

I've got nuthin' -- Bristol's a nice town too.

Ken said...

*Jaw drops for the original post*

"...Yes I'm looking in a mirror and am guilty of occasional trash writing."

Well, that's a start, and I agree with Jon and Morris, consistency and honoring one's commitments to ones word is highly valued.

One thing I can say about Jon, Peter, STS, Mama Bear and most others who post here, there is no flip-flopping about their position; no making promises to behave and then turning around and bullying once again.

Steve, honest discourse is prized above all else, and if you can do so WITHOUT the bullying, we would all do a lot more listening, and a lot less biting back.

Ken said...

Can you say:

G E N T R I F I C A T I O N ?

Sure, I knew ya could.

I am appalled by the blatant racist comment made by "proposal" anonymous. What makes you so sure that the people in the apartments are displaced folks from Trenton, AND who cares? They are now Morrisville residents. This whole attitude of "you have to live here so many years" or "you have to be born here to count" sickens me.

Quite frankly, I am glad you live in Bristol. Stay there. And if you are teaching your children your same closed minded, racists ways, keep them off Bridge Street, and out of Morrisville all together. I don't want them associating with my children at Williamson Park or the pool.

We don't need YOUR kind here!

Anonymous said...

BTW, why nothing on Penn Jersey's new plans for the Gateway site here? I am still amazed that these guys keep coming back for more. They must be masochists. Meanwhile, the smug and self-righteous council can sit back and claim a victory, telling themselves, "See? we kept to our position, and they came back with a proposal we like better." BAH!!!

Peter said...

Huh? Did I fall asleep and miss something? Is PJP really pitching another version of Gateway?


Anonymous said...

Yup, and it did finally make it onto the blog today! A smaller, gentler version that doesn't use any public land. I wonder if the smaller version will be as green as the bigger.

Jon said...

According to the Dorothy Vislosky website (which I just stumbled upon), Steve Worob's book is pretty far along.

Here's the link to an entry that seems to date back a few months:

About halfway down the page, it says:


Ah, kindred spirits. Anybody got that Judge Goldberg manuscript?