Countdown to April 29 to PERMANENTLY close M. R. Reiter. Ask the board to see the 6 point plan.

Friday, May 9, 2008

The State of Apathy

I received an email today that has me absolutely shocked and downright despondent at the same time. I was asked to not provide the specific details, so I've removed some of the information and changed some other items, but the general message is unchanged.

The writer asks for feedback, so let's open it up for discussion.

I have some friends who live in Morrisville. They are young, have no children yet and have lived in town for several years.

We were talking other day, and as it happened, the conversation came around to (OK, I brought it up) the various goings on in town. I wanted to get their views on things.

Much to my shock, they had no idea what was going on. They were vaguely aware of the “build a new school” issue, and asked what side of the fence I was on for that. I mentioned that since it was all but over and the district had moved on to other issues it didn’t matter how I felt. They nodded. They were unaware of the politics, of the infighting, of all the things that your blog and the papers cover.

I asked how they felt about the Gateway center, and about the Stockham building. They were unaware of those issues also. They did mention that they were glad that there was a new restaurant going into the “new building” on Bridge street.

These are intelligent and articulate people who monitor national and state issues.

They are oblivious to local issues.

I just had to shake my head over this. I was aghast.

It got me to thinking, in light of all that has been said about voter turnout, about people from Morrisville making bad choices in leaders and turning a blind eye to issues, that maybe there is a majority of people in this bedroom community, who only look at Morrisville as a place to eat and sleep. That they don’t have a care or interest at all in how the town is run, or where it is headed.

I’d be curious to read your thoughts on this, and to read the thoughts and experiences of others as well.


Anonymous said...

Is it really that others don't care? Or do they not say anything and watch from the high grounds for the fear that they will be berated. Or better yet, be shamed into thinking that your thoughts are completely crazy. I for one, have wanted to get up in front of the mic MANY times at school board meetings. I'd love to be a part of my childrens future education in Morrisville. But I haven't! Why you ask? Well it is not out of fear for myself. It is simple because I don't feel like everyone has the best interest of the kids at heart. AND I am NOT NOT NOT going to fight with indivuduals who constantly live in the past.

So if others do think like me, if it only took one person to start making some noise. Should it be me? I've looked in my closets and I can't find any bones on the floor. The only thing they could accuse me of is not living here when all the hulablue was 'a 'appenin'!
I just don't know anymore......

Jon said...

Alas, 'tis true. Most people are just going to work, coming home, eating, sleeping, raising kids, watching TV, heading to soccer practice, playing bingo, lathering, rinsing, and repeating. They're not following M'ville politics. I know it's quite awkward and uncomfortable for me to be as minimally involved as I am, especially for so little tangible benefit. So yes, I believe there is massive inertia for people to just keep their heads low and go about their daily non-political bidness.

Anonymous said...

I was going to write something meaningful, but decided I just didn't feel like it.