Countdown to April 29 to PERMANENTLY close M. R. Reiter. Ask the board to see the 6 point plan.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Are We Being Shunned?

Shunning is a word that usually brings to mind our Amish friends in Lancaster County. However, is Morrisville being shunned by potential teachers?

It was brought out at the March business meeting that some teacher candidates are canceling their interviews or rejecting job offers because they do not believe that the Morrisville school district would provide a stable employment environment.

I am very mindful that airing our dirty laundry in public is a cause of this. I also understand that this blog is one of those washing machines leaving the stains behind. That is definitely the double edged sword of public discussion. The BCCT and even Comcast airing our monthly free-for-alls certainly contribute as well.

I know the dissension has been around for many years, and we're going to be paying the price for it.

Is this a good place to work? That's a fair question, considering there's a revolving door on the administration wing at the high school. Change the board: change the superintendent and business administrator. If the new board has its way, Dr. Yonson will be leaving shortly, just like her predecessor.

If the high school teachers are going to be out of jobs in a few years, why would any candidates accept jobs today? There are plenty of surrounding districts that offer more stability.

Let's remember how strident and contentious the Stop the School people have been. They have been bullies from day 1 and are only interested in one thing: Lower taxes. That's fine, but they have savaged and berated good people left and right, and persist in doing it today. If you missed where Ed Frankenfield gets verbally abused to the point of being taken to the hospital, check out this months business meeting now playing on channel 28.

This is no way to run a community. Even if you wanted lower taxes and wanted to stop the school, is this REALLY the way you wanted things to go?

It's time for the reckoning. This is the bed we've had made for us, and now it's time to lay down in it.


Anonymous said...

Word on the street is that Mrs Huggins, principal of MRR announced her retirement to the staff today. She plans to leave at the end of this school year. We will miss you!

Anonymous said...

So now, not only are new teachers shying away from morrisville in fear,

but superb teachers that have given their all to Morrisville kids are going to leave.

The writing (chalk) is on the wall (blackboard).

Jon said...

I just lay down in the community bed, and I feel something squishy. Ewwwwwwww!

Actually, I was at today's Little League opening day parade/ceremony, and it restored some of my faith in humanity. Play ball and have fun, kids!