Countdown to April 29 to PERMANENTLY close M. R. Reiter. Ask the board to see the 6 point plan.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Comic Relief Vision Quest

This is an oldie but a goodie.

Planning ahead is vision. Can anyone tell me the vision of the Emperor and his Trusted Toadies?

A closed and shuttered school system in Morrisville is the vision. It's like the cans you put out twice a week. Someone comes around and it just goes away. *POOF* No more pesky uncooperative administrators and no more parents concerned about their children. No more teacher labor contracts, cafeteria expenses, books, wintertime plowing and salting, PSSA or SAT scores, and Thank God!, no more feasibility studies for these decrepit school buildings.

The district problems become someone else's problem. Instead of too many IEP students in Morrisville and too low test scores, the surrounding districts each have a few more and either they prosper in their new surroundings, or the larger class numbers statistically mask their failure.

If you have time to visit the Home Depot on Route 13 at the old Levittown Shopping Center site, take a moment to stand in the parking lot and gaze east across Route 13. You can't miss it. The non-stop line of trucks with their seagull heralds. It's the Tullytown landfill.

Those things we got rid of never just "went away." They were just transported somewhere else and became some one else's problem. I know we can do better. Do you?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bill H likes to imply that he's the only one who wants to take care of the problems in this district. So he charges forward with one cost-saving initiative after another. Some are actually acted upon. Those that arrive on the agenda fully realized. He also refuses to share with us the larger picture, if it exists. I think the thing we need to push for is to pry out that vision while presenting our own.

Ideas, who's got ideas?