Countdown to April 29 to PERMANENTLY close M. R. Reiter. Ask the board to see the 6 point plan.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Coronation Day

The Emperor was formally crowned by the BCCT today in an editorial.

Morrisville's monarchy

William Hellman was elected school board president in Morrisville, not king. We mention this because of Hellman's penchant for one-man rule.

For example, at last week's school board meeting Hellman asked the board to approve and pay for an engineering study of Morrisville High School. Not that board members had much choice. The study was completed — at Hellman's direction and without board input, meaning without board approval.

All that was left for the board to consider was the bill.

Now, $2,500 isn't a big deal, not for school boards that routinely deal in millions of dollars. The big deal is a freelancing school board president who doesn't seem to understand his role or the law — and doesn't seem to care.

Said Hellman when asked why he didn't include the board in the engineering study decision: “That's minor. I'm not going to comment on that.”

That's arrogant and unacceptable.

Making decisions behind the board's and public's back isn't minor. It's major.

It's a violation of the public trust, probably school board policy and possibly the law. And citizens shouldn't stand for it.

We'd like to think that the school board won't stand for it either, but most members are in Hellman's corner on the big issue facing the board — undoing the $30 million plan to build a new K-12 school.

With the undoing largely done, the board now has to figure out what it will cost to renovate the high school or if the district even plans to retain a high school. As these issues move forward, we implore board members to work openly — and together.


Anonymous said...

Oh Ceasar!! Beware the Ides of March. Wouldn't it be too ironic if March 15 marked the day some investigator handed Heillman his ass for his blatant contempt for the law? If this comes to pass, I may have to start going to church again, for it will be proof that there is a God, and that he loves us.

Peter said...

...proof that there is a God, and that he loves us.

God or Hellmann?


Norma said...

This is so bad I cannot believe it is really happening. Between Hellmann's ethically questionable tactics and Radosti's alleged racist remarks, shouldn't someone be watching these guys besides us? Does the attorney report these antics to anyone? Even before John Jordan's allegations at the last meeting, I always suspected that beneath the old "taxation without representation" front lies some classism and racism on the part of some of the old guard. I suspect they do not want to pay to educate poor minority children, especially if they come from Trenton.