Countdown to April 29 to PERMANENTLY close M. R. Reiter. Ask the board to see the 6 point plan.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

And Now For Something Completely Different..

Many, many thanks to the person who emailed this to me. Laughter is a wonderful thing, even while standing on the deck of the Titanic.

WARNING: The link does contain some mild NSFW language.

Town Hall Meeting

Perhaps the writer lives in Morrisville. They have apparently been at some of the public meeetngs.


Jon said...

This one's an old favorite too:

Truth is stranger than fiction.

Jon said...

Former and predicted future football coach Steve Cominsky has another clever and extremely positive yard sign. It says "What's worse - dry turkey or another loss to Bristol?". On Thankgiving Day, he can rest assured that wherever he is, there'll be at least 2 turkeys there.

Jon said...


Now I see where the boro plans to install new sidewalks and curbs on Bridge St. from from PA Ave. to Althea. Don't they care about our safety or the safety of our children? Do you know what it's like to get hit in the kidney by handlebars when your bike hops a curb? What's wrong with the old sidewalks and curbs (or lack thereof)?

Over 20,000 cars and SUV's per day go screaming down Bridge St. I tell you it's a death trap, a recipe for complete disaster and mayhem. It's only gonna make some cement company rich.

Sidewalks don't help you walk - only good coordination and proper footwear do! Bipedalism starts at home, you know.

How did things get so far along without anybody knowing? Was this yet another dastardly, underhanded back-door deal with the Bridge Commission?


Ken said...

Another tongue-in-cheek response ...

"Morrisville property owners will likely see their property taxes increase about $56 in 2008 ... Their sanitation fees also would go up to $342, an increase of $10 over this year." Courier Times


Why should we be paying $10 more per year ($20 for businesses) for trash pickup? What will the garbage men be doing to give us extra service for this $10? Why back in the good old days we used to burn our trash. No need for noisy trash trucks waking us up first thing in the morning. No need for huge landfills with their odors wafting toward us on hot summer days. Let's just toss it into our fireplaces, or stuff it down the storm drains on Maple Ave. In fact, why don't we eliminate the football program, dig a big hole in the 'A' field, and bury all our trash there (along with a few politicians)? Would save us a lot of money and headaches.

We on fixed income can't afford an extra $10. It would mean one less pack of cigarettes for me or one less manicure for my wife.

I say STOP THE GARBAGE PICKUP and save the town of Morrisville.

G-Sci said...

This blog is the most insightful (inciteful) commentary on Morrisville I've ever read. I love it! If only there were some way of making it more publicly available to the NSN crew who probably don't know or care to learn how to access the internet. I'm having trouble visualizing Ducky ( and others) sitting in front of a computer. Anyway, keep it coming. It's bringing my heart some joy.