Countdown to April 29 to PERMANENTLY close M. R. Reiter. Ask the board to see the 6 point plan.

Friday, April 3, 2009



The next meeting of the Joint School/Borough Council Committee will be held on April 23, 2009 at 7:00 pm in the G-Hall Conference Room located in the rear of the Morrisville Middle/Senior High School.

Traffic concerns at the Grandview Elementary School will be on the agenda. The Committee welcomes interested parties and requests that they come prepared with suggestions for discussion and consideration addressing traffic problems at the Grandview Elementary School.

If you are unable to attend this meeting but would like your concerns to be included, please send an e-mail containing your comments to prior to the day of the meeting.

Marlys Mihok, Secretary
Borough of Morrisville School District
Chairman Facility Committee


Jon said...

....come prepared with suggestions for discussion and consideration addressing traffic problems at the Grandview Elementary School.

File these Under "Been There, Done That":

Suggestion #1: take pictures and send them to the Public Safety Officer to help identify & punish the offenders - repeat for 15 years.

Suggestion #2: if you live close to the school, come out of your house and start screaming in teachers' & parents' faces.

Suggestion #3: blame it all on an entity referred to as "the parents" as if they are a single monolithic block of nuisance lawbreaking scourge menace that must be universally punished and, hopefully, eventually, driven from town.

Jon said...

Suggestion #4: At the April 22nd board meeting, come out from your seat on the board to the podium where the public speaks and present "Outstanding Public Safety" awards on behalf of the entire board to favored school board candidates Ron Stout, John DeWilde, Brenda Worob, & Jack Buckman. Inscribe on their individual award plaques that their collective advice on Grandview traffic safety saved [insert impressive amount of $$$ here], and that the entire board, as well as the entire community, are truly and eternally grateful.

Jon said...

Suggestion #5: bring up-for-re-election 4th Ward Boro Councilman Steve Worob to the meeting, and have him loudly demand, like he did at the March 25th board meeting, that both the board AND boro council "JOINTLY IGNORE THESE SMALL-MINDED PEOPLE OVER HERE" [while gesturing towards an area of the audience with a higher concentration of parents and others who don't totally agree with Board President Bill Hellmann & the board majority's tactics].

Jon said...

Suggestion #6a: complain for years about the proposed new K-12 school and how it would spell disaster in so many ways (financial, asbestos, West Nile Virus, detention basin drownings, floods, radon, kidney injuries from handlebars, car accidents, big kids & little kids together, scum, perverts, shoddy construction, etc.)

Suggestion 6b: elect a new school board majority that feels the same way and pulls the plug on the new school

Suggestion 6c: stir in subsequent inaction on MR Reiter elementary that eventually results in a furnace explosion that knocks the school out-of-commission and eventually forces 200+ more elementary students into the Grandview school/trailer park area which is clearly not designed to handle all the extra traffic

Suggestion 6d: let fester ever so briefly, then commence fierce complaining about all the traffic at Grandview

Suggestion 6e: hypocritically chalk up anything the kids have to go through to "stuff happens in life - deal with it - it builds character".

Jon said...

Americans don't care too much for beauty
they'll s*** in a river, dump battery acid in a stream
They'll watch dead rats wash up on the beach
and complain if they can't swim

Jon said...

Other expressions and cliches that come to mind:

1. Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it


“More tears are shed over answered prayers than unanswered ones”

- Mother Teresa

I have read and re-read the above quote a few times over the course of the last few days. What I hear in this quote is the old adage ”Be careful what you wish for, because you might just get it”!

What does that mean? Exactly what it says, be careful what you wish for, understand what you are asking for, before you ask for it. This means that you need to understand all of the possibilities of your wish. We all make wishes, it is very common to hear someone say “I wish ______! When we do this, the wish is usually very general in nature, like, “I wish I would lose the weight that I need to lose”, “I wish I had lot’s of money”, “I wish I could find a beautiful woman/handsome man”, “I wish I owned a home”, “I wish that I didn’t have to go to work this week”, “I wish everything I touched turned to gold”, etc. Oops, how did that last one get in there, we all remember what happened to King Midas, right? (interesting this lesson has been around for ages, hasn’t it?)

The point that Mother Teresa was making in her quote was very simple, be careful what you pray for, wish for, think about, because it may happen and because you really were not specific and you didn’t think it through enough, you may be unhappy with what you get.

2. You’ve made your bed, now lie in it


You made a decision and now must accept its consequences. This expression is commonly used as a response to people who have been complaining about problems they have brought on themselves.