Countdown to April 29 to PERMANENTLY close M. R. Reiter. Ask the board to see the 6 point plan.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A Visit to the Mailbag

I wanted to thank an anonymous commenter to yesterday's posting for today's LOL of the Day

Actually, when it comes to issues of class and lack of compassion for the struggling working people of this community--there can be no greater Right-wing fringe than your loud, gossipy, mean-spirited minority who suggest people should just get out if they can't afford a massive tax increase. In terms of what is best for the children--economically and academically--Pennsbury would be ideal. Not only does it offer greater educational opportunity- but lower taxes and increased property values as well. I have to wonder at the agenda of those who would stop at nothing, despite repeated electorial rebuke (ignoring democracy--now there is a Right-wing strategy), race-baiting sensationalization (don't think for a moment that Anne Perry's letter to the editor with thinly-veiled gangster innuendo regarding Mr. Radosti escaped the notice of other Italian-Americans) and constant drum-beating as if this was the most pressing issue of these times. Must be nice to have such a luxury. Either you are teachers worried about being unemployed (in that case the old, If-you-can't-afford-it-tough-luck argument applies,doesn't it?) Or, you are intent on snatching up properties (I believe Jon Perry mentioned just "how easy" landgrabs were)and flipping them say for 735K, huh? Or, you know, it is just infantile sour grapes because you got your asses handed to you. But, don't ever assume to speak for the Left, unless you fly that banner as a DLC appropriation.

Thanks for your input. If you want to see mean spirited in action, look in the mirror.

The seniors should NOT get out because they cannot afford to live here. If you really read through things posted here, you would have seen my comment about my grandmother and her one-bedroom apartment after losing the longtime family home to inflation, lackluster investments, and taxes. A thriving community includes all age levels. I submit that you want the children gone to enjoy your new Morrisville (an age 55 and over community) home. That's an equally repugnant idea.

I believe the "mafia" references were due to the police coming in to a school board executive session and were a reference used by the reported who wrote the story. I don't think anyone pushed John Jordan into speaking the other night, and if Al Radosti said those things, then he should be held accountable. If he didn't then the false reporter and/or Jordan should be accountable.

I am not a teacher. There are days my own kids are more than I can handle. I can only imagine having thirty kids in my charge.

When was the last time you were in a Morrisville classroom since you graduated? The small class sizes and the focused teacher attention are a godsend to many of the students. I'm also pleasantly surprised by the sharp caliber of teachers in this small community. Most of them can probably do much better elsewhere in terms of pay, but yet, they choose to come here. Same with the Gateway project. They could probably do better elsewhere, yet they chose Morrisville. Ask yourself: What brighter future do they see for Morrisville that is invisible to you?

And as for a landgrab, the taxes are oppressive, there's a crumbling school system soon to go bankrupt and taken over, the borough budget is failing, and new business development is vainly left knocking at the door waiting to be let in. Who would buy a home in this crazy place?

I don't speak for the left or the right. The left wing loonies are just as ridiculous as their right wing nut counterparts. The truth, as always, lies more in the center, where we're supposed to meet and hash things out.

We did get our asses handed to us. We foolishly assumed that the fallacious and incoherent arguments that were the centerpiece of the Stop the Schoolers campaign would be dismissed by serious thinkers. Boy, were we wrong.

PS ADDED NOON Jan 29 2008: WOW! I cannot believe the dialogue that this has generated. These are exactly the points of view that need to be publicised!